In volatile markets you must be able to go to cash when markets become dangerous. That is exactly what the momentum selection model does well. It protects your capital on the downside and enables it to grow on the upside! If you insist on staying in the stock market at all times, even perfect foresight cannot protect you. The ability and willingness to periodically run away beats the macho strategy of holding on.
Read More »What Are Technical Indicators Saying About the Near-term for Gold, Silver & Oil? (2K Views)
Now that we are at a crossroads in both commodity and equity markets heavy technical analysis, in addition to a standard fundamental outlook, may prove useful in identifying the next big swings - before they occur - for gold, silver), and crude oil... [and answer the prevailing question of those looking to establish, or re-establish, commodity positions: "Is now the time to jump into one or more of these markets or should I] sit on the sidelines a bit longer. [Let's take a look.] Words: 2012
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