Thursday , 24 October 2024

Tag Archives: JNJ

Avoid Stock Market Volatility By Investing In These Stocks (+2K Views)

It would be an understatement to call the recent stock market activity turbulent. High stock price volatility makes investors anxious and some people even to become downright frightened...There is a viable antidote, however, that is capable of calming investors down by empowering them to focus on one of the least volatile markets in all of finance... Additionally, this market is predictable, consistent and produces significant levels of income. Even better, this market represents a primary source of long-term returns, and consistently rises over time. Unfortunately, this market is hardly acknowledged or recognized by most people. Therefore, this article is offered and dedicated to enlighten investors about this powerful yet often ignored market.

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Dr. Faber and I Concur: There Are Major Reasons to be Very Cautious in 2013 – Here’s What To Do (+2K Views)

Dr. Marc Faber, the author and publisher of the "Gloom Boom And Doom" report is one of the most well-read economists out there. I am of the opinion that his suggestions and investment advice are more realistic than any other economist or analyst we hear and read regularly. The summary of Dr. Faber's latest monthly report suggests that he views 2013 as a year of capital preservation. In other words, Dr. Faber is not very bullish on risky asset classes for 2013. This article discusses Dr. Faber's views and the reasons to remain cautious in 2013. Words: 1494; Charts: 3; Tables: 1

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Check Out This Grading System for Comparing Stocks (+2K Views)

Jeremy Siegel offered in his book, Stocks for the Long-Run, several actionable techniques that investors might find beneficial, one of which was a 3 parameter approach to stock valuation called the O-Metrix Grading System. The metrix has been applied to all 30 stocks listed on the Dow Jones Industrial Index and 5 stocks top the list. Below is an explaination of the approach, the formula and the results for all 30 stocks. Words: 985

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Now's the Time to Buy Quality Dividend Stocks – Consider These 11

The decrease in stock prices over the past weeks has many investors scared that the market is forecasting a dip in the economy. This panic has started to create an environment where enterprising dividend investors could start adding to their positions at cheaper prices. In fact, if stocks keep going lower this would create tremendous opportunities for enterprising dividend investors to scoop up some of the best dividend stocks in the world at fire sale prices. In this article I will explain why the market dip has created a perfect opportunity for dividend investors and specify 11 stocks worth considering. Words: 819

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