The U.S. government is in what is known as a "debt death spiral". They must borrow money to repay prior debts. It is as if they are using their Visa Card to make an American Express payment. The rate of new debt additions dwarf any rate of growth the economy can possibly achieve. The end is certain, only its timing is unknown, and, once interest rates begin to rise, and they will, it's game over.
Read More »Debt Ceiling Suspension First Step Towards Eventual Hyperinflation – Here’s Why (3K Views)
Out of control spending by a government is always the cause of hyperinflation. The debt ceiling had been the last remaining roadblock to unlimited federal government spending. By suspending the debt ceiling, the U.S. government has given itself a blank cheque, taking one giant leap down the road leading to the hyperinflation of the US dollar. Words: 632
Read More »Sinclair: Silver’s Rise Will Be Orgasmic; Gold Is a Buy Below $3,500 (+2K Views)
While $500 silver probably won't happen its rise will be orgasmic - a rapid climax rally followed by a dramatic decline. Gold will be a buy up to $3,500.
Read More »Hyperinflation Is NOT An Unusual Phenomenon As These 21 Countries Can Attest
The United States is one of the few countries to have experienced two currency collapses during its history (1812-1814 and 1861-1865). Is it about to happen again? Words: 1450
Read More »Get Out of the U.S. Dollar and Buy Physical Gold Before It’s Too Late – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
Evidence suggests that the "Zero Hour Debt" line has been reached. Get out of the U.S. dollar [U.S. treasuries] and buy physical gold [or equities] before it's too late. It is the only way to protect yourself against a massive U.S. dollar devaluation to come in the next few months. [Let me explain why that is the case.] Words: 719; Charts: 5
Read More »Inflation: What Do the Non-CPI Inflation Gauges Say It Is? (+2K Views)
Whenever the BLS posts their monthly CPI there's always the same response from critics that the index is flawed. That's fine. I think a healthy dose of skepticism regarding government data is perfectly good. So let's take a look at some independent gauges to see where prices are.
Read More »The Most Important Questions (and Answers) Regarding What the Futures Hold for 2013
Since 2012 is rapidly coming to a close, I’m fielding questions about what the future holds for 2013. My hope? That my answers will be both informative and instructive, and ultimately profitable, of course. Words: 1588; Charts: 2
Read More »Take Note: Don’t Say You Weren’t Forewarned! (+3K Views)
It is relatively easy to predict further commodity price inflation as a result of the massive money printing going on worldwide and that hard assets, not paper assets, will help protect purchasing power but it is much more difficult to project where else this money printing leads and to what extent a crash is inevitable. What is the endgame? Will it be another financial crash such as in 2008 or will it be a more destructive financial and economic crash that causes a severe but temporary disruption in the delivery of goods and services? Words: 1470
Read More »This Chart Proves That Your Currency Is Being Debauched At An Accelerating (Parabolic) Rate! Got Gold?
[According to the chart in this article,] all currencies are being debauched. The price of gold in each currency approximates a parabola, meaning the use of printing presses is accelerating. Each unit of currency is losing purchasing power at an increasing rate. The trend points to a worldwide currency collapse unless the creation of money stops. [Take a look!]. Words: 282
Read More »Which Will Cause the Coming Depression? Inflation or Deflation? (+3K Views)
The coming economic collapse (Depression) is inevitable but the route taken to this ending is uncertain. The road has parallel routes, either a deflationary collapse or a hyperinflationary collapse. Which route is taken depends upon government so, which will it be? Words: 1350
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