Sunday , 22 December 2024

Tag Archives: debt crisis

These 23 Countries (+ Greece) Are Also Facing a Full-blown Debt Crisis

An unprecedented global debt bomb threatens to explode at any moment. 24 nations are currently facing a full-blown debt crisis, and there are 14 more that are rapidly heading toward one. The only “solution” under our current system is to kick the can down the road for as long as we can until this colossal debt pyramid finally collapses in upon itself and when it does it will be unlike anything that we have ever seen before.

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When the Debt Bubble Bursts We’re Going to See Economic Chaos So Get Ready – NOW! (+7K Views)

Never before has the world faced such a serious debt crisis. Yes, in the past there have certainly been nations that have gotten into trouble with debt, but we have never had a situation where virtually all of the major powers around the globe were all drowning in debt at the same time. Right now, confidence is being shaken as debt levels skyrocket to extremely dangerous levels. Many are openly wondering how much longer this can possibly go on. [Here's my take on the situation.]

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European Sovereign Debt Crisis to End in a Catastrophic, Painful, Epic Meltdown! Are You Financially Prepared? (+2K Views)

I have a sinking suspicion - a feeling I just can’t shake - based on multiple fundamental, technical, and timing indicators....[that] the end is near. I’m not talking about some Mayan calendar apocalypse kind of thing....[but] a catastrophic, painful, epic meltdown-type endgame for this European sovereign debt crisis...[[Let me explain why I see that to be the eventual outcome.] Words: 810

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U.S Likely to Hit the Financial Wall by 2017! Here’s Why (+4K Views)

The deficits aren't going to stop anytime soon. The debt mountain will keep growing...Obviously, the debt can't keep growing faster than the economy forever, but the people in charge do seem determined to find out just how far they can push things....The only way for the politicians to buy time will be through price inflation, to reduce the real burden of the debt, and whether they admit it or not, inflation is what they will be praying for....[and] the Federal Reserve will hear their prayer. When will the economy reach the wall toward which it is headed? Not soon, I believe, but in the meantime there will be plenty of excitement. [Let me explain what I expect to unfold.] Words: 1833

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Gold Will be the Crutch to Lean On for a While – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Regardless of what certain pundits and investors say, I believe gold will have a great run into the end of 2011. [Why?] Because I think a currency crisis is brewing worldwide, and gold will be a safe place to store value. The Euro and USD are fundamentally weak, and inflation is nearly out of control due to huge stimulus packages and low interest rates that aren't helping struggling economies. Gold should be the crutch to lean on for a while. [Let me expand on the aforementioned reasons.] Words: 675

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