Friday , 20 September 2024

Tag Archives: DBC

10 Index ETFs for Building an Ideal Retirement Oriented Portfolio (+2K Views)

Constructing a portfolio for the retirement years requires one to focus on portfolio risk or uncertainty while not neglecting return. If the portfolio asset allocation plan is too conservative, the return will not meet lifestyle expectations. Inflation is again on the rise and this needs to be taken into consideration when putting together a retirement oriented portfolio. Below is a combination of index ETFs that project respectable returns while holding down portfolio volatility. Words: 455

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Might Silver's Current Chart Similarity with 2008 Be Implying What's About to Happen to Rest of Market?

A look at the chart for SLV from September 2007 to August 2008 (11 months) and from November 2010 to October 2011 (11 months) is remarkably similar - almost identical in fact. Therefore, if silver continues to trace out a similar path to what transpired in 2008, what are the possible implications for stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, and precious metals? Take a look at the following 19 charts for some possible outcomes. Words: 731

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