Thursday , 26 December 2024

Search Results for: interest rates

Your IRA Is At Risk – Here’s Why & What To Do About It

The myRA program, which ostensibly helps people save for retirement (though it offers no benefits over existing options). is the opening shot in the undeclared war on your retirement savings and an eyebrow-raising ruling in the US Tax Court is the second shot. Let me explain.

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Gold Should Bounce Sharply Higher – Here Are 10 Reasons Why (+4K Views)

Is it time to throw in the towel? Is the bull market in precious metals really over? I don't think so because my analyses suggest that nearly all of the fundamental factors that have been driving the gold price higher in the past decade have only strengthened in the past two years. Now that the correction has most likely run its course, I expect gold to bounce sharply higher. Here are 10 reasons why.

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Are We In Phase 3 – the Final Phase – of This Bull Market Yet? (+2K Views)

Are we in the third phase of a bull market? Most who will read this article will immediately say “no” but isn’t that what was always believed during the “mania” phase of every previous bull market cycle? With the current bull market now stretching into its sixth year; it seems appropriate to review the three very distinct phases of historical bull market cycles.

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Bursting of Global Derivatives Bubble Will Be An Utter Nightmare (+3K Views)

Never before in the history of the United States have we been faced with the threat of such a great financial catastrophe but, sadly, most Americans are totally oblivious to all of this. They continue to have faith that their leaders know what they are doing, and they have been lulled into complacency by the bubble of false stability that we have been enjoying for the last couple of years. Unfortunately for them, however, this bubble of false stability is not going to last much longer and when the financial crisis comes it is going to make 2008 look like a Sunday picnic. Let me explain why I believe the aforementioned to be the case.

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Will May 20th Go Down In History As the Day the U.S. “Petrodollar” Monopoly Was Finally Shattered? (+3K Views)

The struggle over Ukraine has caused Russia to completely re-evaluate the financial relationship that it has with the United States. If it starts trading a lot of oil and natural gas for currencies other than the U.S. dollar, that will be a massive blow for the petrodollar, and it could end up dramatically - and negatively - impacting the average American's current standard of living. Let me explain.

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Many Economic Cycle Theorists Believe 2014 to 2020 Is Going To Be Pure Hell For the U.S.! (+3K Views)

Many mainstream economists want nothing to do with economic cycle theorists, but it should be noted that economic cycle theories have enabled some analysts to correctly predict the timing of recessions, stock market peaks and stock market crashes over the past couple of decades - and there are many economists who believe that the period from 2014 to 2020 is going to turn out to be pure hell for the United States.

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From Under the Radar – Great Articles On Gold, Inflation & Investing

Every now and then very informative, insightful and well-written financial articles gets buried by more trendy, exciting and provocative articles and, as such, they get overlooked - fly under the radar as Malaysia flight MH370 has done. Below are introductory paragraphs and links to a few such articles posted on the internet in the past week that are still very timely and well worth your time to check out.

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