Sadly, the fiscal and monetary conditions for global economic chaos have now been set in stone. It’s only a matter of time and, unfortunately, that time is short.
Read More »Search Results for: interest rates
US Dollar Rally Will Signal A Stock Market Crash – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
The global carry trade (meaning money borrowed in US Dollars and invested in other assets) stands at over $9 TRILLION (larger than the economy of France and Brazil combined) but, given the U.S. dollar rally combined with the Fed's hint at raising rates in December, it is at risk of blowing up. Here's why.
Read More »The Stock Market: “there’s nothing to worry or get excited about” – Here’s Why
This post focuses on TIPS prices, gold prices, and P/E ratios, and attempts to deduce what they tell us about the assumptions embedded in the market.
Read More »Ensure A Comfortable Retirement – Here’s How
Having unrealistic expectations as to how you will get by in retirement is not the way to go. This article identified 4 false expectations and suggests 3 better ways to ensure a much more comfortable retirement instead.
Read More »Use Of Cash Gradually Being Eliminated – Here’s How & Why
Governments all over the world are putting restrictions in place on the use of cash - for your safety, of course - but what is the true aim of the War on Cash?
Read More »Plan For Retirement NOW; Here’s How
The farther away you are from retirement, the greater your potential to achieve a sizable nest egg in the future because time is on your side. [Here's how to do just that.]
Read More »Decline (and fall?) of the Euro Continues – Here’s Why
With European demographics getting more challenging by the year the eurozone, problems don’t seem to be going away for the euro. Will the shrinking euro be able to revert its course, or is Europe doomed to become the next Japan?
Read More »Canada Votes to Spend Itself Into Prosperity (+2K Views)
Canada has surprisingly often been the place where the future happens first - and it’s happening again. Last Monday, Canadian voters swept the ruling Conservatives out of power, delivering a stunning victory to the center-left Liberals led by Justin Trudeau in a clear rejection of the deficit-obsessed austerity orthodoxy that has dominated political discourse across the Western world. The Liberals ran on a frankly, openly Keynesian vision, and won big.
Read More »Smart Investors Will Seek Comfort In Gold – Here Are 7 Reasons Why
The Fed is beginning to wake up to the fact that there is no easy escape from its artificial zero interest rate policy. The Fed will not be able to move very far off of the zero-bound range before the yield curve inverts and the U.S., and indeed the entire global economy, melts down. This means real yields will become more negative, the U.S. dollar will lose more of its purchasing power and economic instability will intensify over time—the perfect fundamental backdrop for rising gold prices.
Read More »Gold Is the Ultimate “all weather” Asset Class – Here’s Why
A central bank’s worst nightmare is when they want inflation and can’t get it. The Fed’s tricks have all failed. Is there another rabbit in the hat? Actually, yes. The Fed can cause massive inflation in 15 minutes. Here's how:
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