Thursday , 26 December 2024

Search Results for: interest rates

If You Are Not Preparing For a U.S. Debt Collapse, NOW Is the Time to Do So! Here’s Why (9K Views)

Timing the U.S. debt implosion in advance is virtually impossible. Thus far, we've managed to [avoid such an event], however, this will not always be the case. If the U.S. does not deal with its debt problems now, we're guaranteed to go the way of the PIIGS, along with an episode of hyperinflation. That is THE issue for the U.S., as this situation would affect every man woman and child living in this country. [Let me explain further.] Words: 495

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Central Bank Actions Guarantee A Financial Crash Landing – Here’s Why (+3K reads)

As we tip-toe near the edge of the third central bank generated financial bust of this century, there is absolutely no way of stopping the crash landing just ahead. Why? Because the central banks are so caught up in their own self-justifying group think that they are utterly incapable of seeing the massive financial derangement all about them - a casino that is blindly impelled to churn the secondary capital markets and inflate the price of existing assets to higher and higher levels until they ultimately roll-over under their own weight. Let me explain.

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