While most people understand that their credit score is the key to getting approved for a loan, not all realize that having a high credit score also improves their finances because it can save you money. The higher your credit score, the lower the interest rate you will qualify for, thus saving you money over the life of your loans. This post guides you through your credit score, from everything that determines it, what helps and hurts a score, what leads to bad credit, how to check your score, and most importantly, how to improve your credit score fast.
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If You’re Rich or Debt Free Then Ignore This Post (+2K Views)
Do you have what it takes to pay off your debts and become comfortable financially or perhaps even rich, even VERY rich? You probably do but don't know exactly what to do or think your situation is just too dire to possibly turn around. Read the following articles for some encouragement, financial advice and ideas on how to make considerably more income, pay off your debts and possibly even become that millionaire you've always wanted to be but didn't know how to accomplish.
Read More »Use the “Graham Formula” To Determine the Fair Price of a Stock – Here’s How (+2K Views)
Knowing how to properly value a stock is probably the most important skill for a value investor to develop and over the last fifty years one of the most popular methods to discover the fair price of a stock has been the Benjamin Graham formula.
Read More »Noonan: Why Buy Gold & Silver? Here’s Why (+3K Views)
Here's the best reason to buy and hold gold and silver, at any price, and especially at these artificially suppressed prices.
Read More »Here’s When Holding Cash Beats Paying Down Debt
Households should be encouraged to maintain at least a small buffer of liquid savings, even if the cash in that buffer is not being used to pay down high-interest debt. Here's why.
Read More »Bitcoin: Answers To 7 Questions You Were Too Embarrassed To Ask (+3K Views)
While almost everyone has heard of Bitcoin at this point, many people are fuzzy on the details: what is a bitcoin, exactly? How do I buy some? What would I use it for? Here are the answers to those and a few other questions you were afraid to ask.
Read More »Jeff Nielson: More of What to Look for When Investing in the Gold Miner Sector (+3K Views)
The fact that relatively few investors know much about the various types of companies in the precious metals mining sector is an indication that this market is many years away from peaking. This article provides a basic check-list of what to look for in these companies.
Read More »What to Look for When Considering Which Gold Mining Companies to Buy (+6K Views)
While investing in gold mining companies is not quite as simple as novices to this sector might at first conclude, neither is it so overwhelmingly complicated as to make these companies inaccessible to individual, retail investors. Below are a number of things to look for when considering an investment in such companies. Words: 2745
Read More »Here’s How Your Car Insurance Rate Is Calculated & Some Outlandish Ways to Reduce It (+2K Views)
Below are 10 factors considered by insurance companies when establishing what you have to pay for auto insurance coverage and some suggestions (some rather outlandish) how you might be able to positively influence some of them to your financial benefit.
Read More »What Certain Financial News Headlines Really Mean (+2K Views)
People don’t really read the news anymore. It’s all consumed through headlines, so here’s my take on how to read financial news headlines.
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