Wednesday , 25 December 2024

Search Results for: interest rates

Japan: The Greece of the East?

Japan is flirting with becoming the Greece of the East. Japan’s legendary household and corporate savings are on a downward trend [and, while current] domestic savers have always been forgiving of the government’s overspending, when [their] savings become inadequate to fund the government’s drain, other investors will be much less sympathetic. Words: 508

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Is Your IRA or 401K a Target of Government Appropriation? (+3K Views)

Will the laws and rules in place to protect individuals in their attempt to set something aside for retirement be safeguarded by the representatives elected to advocate for them in Washington? Will the principles and moral integrity of the political class keep them from appropriating the trillions of dollars held in 401k's and IRA's? I'm not so sure! Words: 1207

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"The Great Dollar Devaluation Disaster" is Beginning – Position Your Investments for MAJOR Inflation! (+4K Views)

The great dollar devaluation disaster has begun and will continue — with minor short-term pauses and corrections in the decline — for at least the next two to three years and at the very least, the dollar will sink so low and inflation will soar so high that you will eventually need at least TWICE the income you have now just to survive. A lifestyle that costs you $100,000 per year today will be $200,000 or more. Words: 2313

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Beware: Government Claim of Low Inflation is Just B.S.!

Our leaders in Washington are so detached from reality it begs the question, "What are they smoking?" I'm not talking about the insane amounts of spending that's going on in our capital, or even about the patently unpayable debts and promises they're making to all of us and our foreign creditors. Although I think these things, too, result from whatever drugs they're on inside the beltway I am referring the way Washington manipulates its official statistics. Words: 1107

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The U.S. Trade Imbalance – A ‘Deficit Without Tears’? (+2K Views)

There is a definite connection between fiat currencies and trade deficits. Critics of the Federal Reserve are right to blame it for distorting trade flows and setting the U.S. economy up for an inflationary crash. However, a trade deficit per se is not a sign of a bad economy. Indeed the trade deficit might blossom if the U.S. ever returned to the gold standard, though it would be due to a productive net inflow of producer goods. Words: 1667

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5 Major Market Myths Exposed! (+2K Views)

Robert Precther recently published a list of market myths for his subscribers which I'm sure he won't mind if I review the lessons he voices in his article with you, borrowing from his excellent research to help make the arguments. Recognizing these market myths are critical to your success as an investor. Words: 1266

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