Thursday , 26 December 2024

Search Results for: interest rates

Pento: Looming Debt Market Collapse to Destroy the Dollar

For the uniformed on Wall Street and in Washington, the growing tide of red ink is a signal that America is returning to normalcy. The only problem with that is our so called ‘normalcy’ is rapidly leading us into insolvency. The sad truth is that our desire to consume foreign made goods, with money that is borrowed, is evidence that our country is growing weaker by the day.

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Here Are 2 Benefits of Devaluating the USD and How It Could Be Achieved

The primary obstacle to economic recovery is widespread insolvency among households and banks (meaning liabilities exceed assets). A consumer who is broke cannot spend, and a bank that is broke cannot lend. Devaluing the dollar would reduce the real value of the debt (increase the nominal value of the assets), rendering millions of households and most banks instantly solvent. [Let me explain.] Words: 590

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Gold & Silver: THE Answers to Escalating Financial Doom

Every fiat currency known to man has failed at one time or another - every one - and ours will be no exception! What factors are contributing to this eventuality and what can be done to protect ourselves from this impending event? [Let me explain and provide you with links to 37 supportive articles to give you a complete picture of what is unfolding and why.] Words: 2700

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U.S. Fiscal Situation MUCH Worse Than Government Lets On!

I believe our fiscal situation is much worse than most people realize. True, the situation might be resolvable with a hard-nosed turnaround specialist in charge [Romney?] but, even here, the emphasis is on “might”! In a political context, where citizens have been conditioned to believe they are entitled to live at the expense of government (i.e other citizens because, after all, government has nothing that it first does not take from someone else), the situation is beyond hopeless. Let me address the true economic situation of the U.S. by way of an email I received from a regular reader recently. Words: 615

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Major Investment Opportunities Exist In Agriculture! Here’s 50 (+2K Views)

The agriculture sector has long been a popular place for commodity trading. After all, it was with agricultural futures that commodity trading got its start. Farmers had originally used these contracts to help offset any losses in crop yields. Now, the agricultural space has blossomed into a market chock full of options for investors, but many investors are still unaware of the vast opportunities that this sector offers. [Let us change all that!] Words:2376

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Are You A Sucker? If Not, Here's The Reality About America's "Recovery"!

What passes for journalism at CNBC and the rest of the mainstream print and TV media is beyond laughable. Their America is all about feelings. Are we confident? Are we bullish? Are we optimistic about the future? America has turned into a giant confidence game. The governing elite spend their time spinning stories about recovery and manipulating public opinion so people will feel good and spend money. Facts are inconvenient to their storyline. The truth is for suckers. They know what is best for us and will tell us what to do and when to do it. [Let me give you some examples.] Words: 1130

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How Inflationary and Deflationary Outcomes Might Affect Your Bullion and Mining Shares

Whilst we as staunch Austrians would prefer less liquidity provision and more allowance for markets to naturally self-correct and deleverage... we suspect that as markets try to self-correct, the authorities generally will be forced to print more and more [as] it is the easiest course for them to take and the typically all too human option...As such we look once more at how inflationary and deflationary outcomes might affect precious metal investors. Words: 1323

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von Greyerz: Expanding Central Bank Balance Sheets Guarantee Massively Higher Inflation & Gold/Silver Prices – Here's Why

I am astonished to see how much money the central banks are printing and how their balance sheets are expanding. We have the absolute perfect recipe for hyperinflation and thus a massive increase in the price of gold and silver. So said Egon von Greyerz ( in edited excerpts from an interview* with King World News.  Lorimer Wilson, editor of …

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David Nichols: Expect to See $2,750 – $3,000 Gold By June 2013 – Here’s Why

The interim peaks in gold have been spaced 21 months apart over the past 6 years and have seen gains from 80.2% to 97.3%. As such, given the fact that the low of this last correction came in at $1,524 four months ago, we can expect gold to reach a new peak price of $2,750 to $3,000 in 17 months time (i.e. June/July 2013). [Let me explain in more detail.] Words: 976

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