Sunday , 29 December 2024

Search Results for: hyperinflation

How Inflationary and Deflationary Outcomes Might Affect Your Bullion and Mining Shares

Whilst we as staunch Austrians would prefer less liquidity provision and more allowance for markets to naturally self-correct and deleverage... we suspect that as markets try to self-correct, the authorities generally will be forced to print more and more [as] it is the easiest course for them to take and the typically all too human option...As such we look once more at how inflationary and deflationary outcomes might affect precious metal investors. Words: 1323

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von Greyerz: Expanding Central Bank Balance Sheets Guarantee Massively Higher Inflation & Gold/Silver Prices – Here's Why

I am astonished to see how much money the central banks are printing and how their balance sheets are expanding. We have the absolute perfect recipe for hyperinflation and thus a massive increase in the price of gold and silver. So said Egon von Greyerz ( in edited excerpts from an interview* with King World News.  Lorimer Wilson, editor of …

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George Soros Predicts Economic Chaos/Conflict in Europe and Riots in the U.S.! (+2K Views)

George more concerned with surviving than staying rich...He doesn't just mean it's time to protect your assets. He means it's time to stave off disaster. As he sees it, the world faces one of the most dangerous periods of modern history—a period of "evil." Europe is confronting a descent into chaos and conflict. In America he predicts riots on the streets that will lead to a brutal clampdown that will dramatically curtail civil liberties. The global economic system could even collapse altogether. [Perhaps] we should be, too, [but as] we have often explained, [such comments ar nothing more than] the fear-based promotions of the power elite to frighten the middle classes into giving up power and wealth to globalist institutions. Let us explain.

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What Does QE Really Do – and NOT Do?

[As you know earlier] this week the Federal Reserve...promised to keep short-term interest rates low through late 2014 ... up from a previous pledge of 2013. Not only that, the Fed also said it would continue with its "Operation Twist" policy of selling shorter-term Treasuries and buying longer-term ones. The goal [is to] hold down long-term interest rates but what does QE really do - and not do? [Let me explain.] Words: 500

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Why More QE is Coming and What That Means for the Future Price of Gold

Most traders and some economists believe the Fed will step in with another round of Quantitative Easing (QE3) in the first half of 2012. This will pump up the stock market, particularly bank stocks, giving the impression that the US economy can’t be that bad, after all, [but in the process] debase the dollar and reduce purchasing power. [This, in turn, will result in higher]...inflation causing prudent investors to buy more gold. [Let me explain further what I see transpiring this quarter and why.] Words: 718

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$10,000 Gold Debunked (+3K Views)

$10,000 (U.S.) gold [is] a gold bug’s dream come true [but] investors would be wise to have far have more modest expectations. [Let me explain why.] Words: 1000

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Egon von Greyerz: Gold & Silver to Accelerate Higher

With gold closing above the critical $1,650 level and silver above $30, my view is that we have bottomed and we are on the way to much higher levels. We are seeing a bit of sideways action here, but it’s sideways to upward and I think that will continue. I like the pace, the fact that it’s not going up too fast, but I think we will see an acceleration to the upside in short order. Words: 924

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Buy Gold NOW Ahead of Further QE – Here's Why

Due to high unemployment and a weak recovery world central bankers are focused on weakening their currencies to boost exports. [As such,] I think [even more] quantitative easing and other currency intervention is in our future...[and this will further increase]...both inflation and the price of gold. Let me explain with a few charts.] Words: 350

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These 5 Apocalyptic Engines Causing Hyperbolic Growth in US Money Supply

I recently wrote an article showing how US True Money Supply (TMS) appeared to be growing at a hyperbolic rate [see here], and that gold was also on a hyperbolic course...Hyperbolic growth in the quantity of money ends with hyperinflation... [and] both TMS and the dollar price of gold are pointing to a hyperinflationary outcome. This article explains why this might be so. Words: 764

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Economic System a Legal Ponzi Scheme on the Verge of Collapse!

Countries around the world, particularly in the West, are hopelessly in the red, with debt rising every day. Even worse, politicians seem paralyzed, unable -- or unwilling -- to do anything about it. It is a global disaster that threatens the immediate future... [Let me explain.] Words: 1132

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