Friday , 27 December 2024

Search Results for: hyperinflation

An Economic Crash Seems Likely This Year – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Dozens (dare I say hundreds?) of "analysts" (should I say alarmists?) are convinced that the U.S. economy (and that of the world for that matter) is going to hell in a hand basket - and soon. How sound are their analyses of the current economic situation? Will they be proven to be very insightful or nothing less than fear mongers looking for attention? Their views are all here. You be the judge.

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Gold: 42 Specific Peak Price Predictions (+5K Views)

Over the years only 42 pundits have been bold enough to provide a specific date as to when their forecast for the future price of gold (and silver, in some cases) would be realized. This article provides that information along with the criteria & rationale for their determinations.

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Only These 42 Analysts Dare Predict When – and At What Price – Gold Will Peak (+3K Views)

There were no shortage of gold price pundits/prognosticators back in 2011 & 2012 claiming that gold would be going to "x" price by "y" date. Below is an updated list of those 42 pundits who were bold enough to provide a specific date as to when their forecast would be realized with their criteria & rationale supported by links to articles in which their determinations were first put forth.

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Debunking the Validity of ShadowStats’ Inflation Numbers (+2K Views)

Shadowstats presents what they claim to be the original methodology used by the government to calculate the rate of inflation in the U.S. but Shadowstats' John Williams is not calculating inflation any differently. He is not using the 1980s or 1990s methodology... [Instead,] all he's is doing is taking the CPI data and adding on an arbitrary constant to make it look like inflation is higher!

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