While the danger of loss of wealth due to the holding of bank notes is not imminent...it is better to make a move well in advance of a loss than to make the decision even one day too late. Here's what could happen as the Great Unravelling progresses and how to protect yourself from those eventualities.
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Gold Demand In China & India – What Does the Future Hold?
Lifted by a continued surge in Asian gold sales, consumer demand for gold reached an all-time high in 2013 at 3,893 tonnes. Amazingly, 54% of this demand came from two places: India and China. However, it is only recently that the East has dominated global demand for the yellow metal. In this infographic, we look at India and China specifically to see why demand keeps expanding in the East.
Read More »U.S. Dollar Collapse Will Be Cataclysmic Endgame of Current Fiscal Policy (+3K Views)
Government fiscal policy - profligate spending, leading to debt crisis, leading to currency crisis, leading to…the fall of the U.S. dollar – is the major cataclysmic endgame that is going to befall the U.S.
Read More »Inflation: What You Need to Know (+2K Views)
The March year-over-year inflation rate was 1.51%, which is well below the 3.88% average since the end of the Second World War and 37% below its 10-year moving average.
Read More »Goldman’s $1,050 Gold Forecast is Nothing But a Stink Bid – Here Are 2 Reasons Why
Goldman Sachs' 2014 forecast that gold will drop $1,050 by the end of the year (based on the “powerhouse” U.S. economy picking up speed and accelerating growth) would make perfect sense to someone who recently had had a frontal lobotomy or to the 95-99% group of Americans who believe everything coming from the Boob Tube.Why? Because Goldman has more skin in the game to delude Americans of the value of gold - for throwing the paper price of gold under the bus - and below are 2 such reasons for doing so:
Read More »10 Myths That Suggest Gold Supposedly Has a Bright Future (+2K Views)
...Hype, fear and outdated monetary theories simply aren't enough to support the price of gold. Every finance and economics text book teaches that gold is basically an inflation hedge, and without inflation gold is simply a useless piece of yellow metal. Either the gold bugs are right or the Fed is right, and my money is on the Fed.
Read More »Gold: Buy Now & You Buy Right! Here Are 4 Reasons Why
Q: Is now the time to buy more gold or to finally get in the game? A: Yes. Make sure that you take advantage of today’s price and “mine” your own gold. [Here are 4 reasons why that is the case.]
Read More »Would Major Sanctions Against Russia Hasten End of USD As World’s Reserve Currency?
Russia is a huge supplier of oil and gas — traded in US dollars — which gives it both leverage over near-term energy flows and, far more ominous for the U.S., the ability to threaten the dollar’s reign as the world’s reserve currency - and it’s taking some big, active steps towards that goal.
Read More »An Analysis of the World’s Top 50 Gold Producing Mines (+4K Views)
How rare is gold? Where are the world's gold reserves located? What is the cost of mining gold? Which continent is the most economic at mining gold? What is the future of mining gold? This infographic has the answers.
Read More »Today’s the 2nd-Greatest Opportunity to Buy Gold Since 2002! Here’s Why (+2K Views)
Last year...saw gold’s greatest decline in 32 years...but I’m still confident that gold’s bullish fundamentals are still intact and that what I said in my recently published book, $10,000 Gold, still holds true. Here's why.
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