Thursday , 26 December 2024

Search Results for: fiat

Silver Is THE “Achilles Heel” Of the Entire Financial System (+2K Views)

In my opinion the "final financial shot' which leads to live financial fire (collapse) will be in either the gold or silver pits of the COMEX or, ultimately, both. Why? Because, at $20 per silver ounce, it would take only $1.2 billion to crack that market open like a watermelon; because, for a pittance of money in today's world, "trust" in the entire financial system of the West can be shattered. Some will say "big deal" or "who cares?" but it is a big deal and YOU should care!

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A Close Look At the U.S. Dollar (+2K Views)

The U.S. $1 dollar bill has been redesigned many time since first being issued back in 1862. What we almost exclusively use today is the version designed in 1963. The following extremely informative infographic explains what all the different symbols on the dollar mean, who is on the front & back of all the U.S. currencies currently in use and the $500, $1,000, $10,000 and $100,000 (yes, $100,000!) bills that are no longer in production.

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What Could – What Will – Pop This “Money Bubble”? (+2K Views)

There is too much debt. Debt works the same way for a country as it works for an individual or a family, which is to say if you borrow too much, then your life basically craters. Everything gets harder to do, and you end up doing things in order to deal with your past mistakes that you would never do normally. You start trying absolutely crazy things, and that’s where the world’s governments are right now. We are doing all these things that are essentially con games and getting away with it so far, because a printing press is a great tool for fooling people. I don’t see how we can get away with it too much longer.

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