Friday , 20 September 2024

Search Results for: bubbles

Comparing Housing Bubble to Rising Cost of Higher Education Suggests Another Bubble Waiting to Burst – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Getting into a good university is not an easy feat and securing a job upon graduation in the current economic climate is not easy either...The biggest challenge for most university graduates, however, is paying off their education loan [which is] hardly surprising [given that] the sum of student debt is higher than credit card debt across the United States. It may sound preposterous that some have called higher education the next big bubble so read the following infographic, which compares the higher education bubble to the housing bubble, and decide for yourself. Words: 410

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Take Advantage of Current Excessive Liquidity With a Tactical Approach to Investing – Here's How

The growth in liquidity in global systems has become staggering...[reaching] a whopping $15 trillion - and rising - from the world's eight largest central banks [alone as shown in the chart below.]...[That's equal to almost] one-third of world equity values...which means that central banks are creating another bubble...No wonder the stock market is rising. [With so] much liquidity,...and with interest rates so low, there is no place to go but "risk on" assets. [That being said,] investors need to know how to capitalize on this short term phenomenon and how to prepare for the inevitable burst. [Let me explain further.] Words: 489

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Addiction to Borrowing Causing Another Bubble – Take a Look

We are trying to get out of a debt led crisis with more debt. The facts show this and we have compiled some of the more troubling data by putting the entire debt market into perspective here [and it clearly shows that] we flat out have an addiction to borrowing. [Read on!] Words: 600

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Here Are 2 Benefits of Devaluating the USD and How It Could Be Achieved

The primary obstacle to economic recovery is widespread insolvency among households and banks (meaning liabilities exceed assets). A consumer who is broke cannot spend, and a bank that is broke cannot lend. Devaluing the dollar would reduce the real value of the debt (increase the nominal value of the assets), rendering millions of households and most banks instantly solvent. [Let me explain.] Words: 590

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Bank of Canada Report Suggests Economic Situation is Dire and Could Deteriorate Rapidly! (+2K Views)

One typically doesn’t look to government bureaucracies to receive hard-nosed, objective discussions on the economy so you can magine my surprise when the latest Financial System Review, published semi-annually by the Bank of Canada, landed in my inbox and I discovered that it contained a very sobering look at Canada’s economy and the many systemic risks the country is facing! It’s not surprising that this report was not picked up by the main stream news, because if they did the popular opinion of Canada’s invincible, recession-proof economy might begin to crumble. [Let me explain.] Words: 2400

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Financial Advisors Advisory Alert #3 on Stocks and Physical Gold

If you are tired of spending hours each week surfing the net or even visiting your up-to-now favourite financial site looking for articles that are extremely informative, relatively brief and very well-written, then go no further than Here is a sampling of articles posted on the site this past week related to what is happening in the economy and the gold market and what the future holds for its price. Words: 1628

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It's ALL Here! Why Gold is Declining and What the Future Holds

So much has been written over the past 4 months about why the price of gold has be misbehaving that I think you will appreciate having links to all the best articles, as posted on, that explain the situation from a variety of perspectives. In addition to a greater understanding of what is happening to the price of gold and why I am sure you would like to have some insights into just where the price of gold (and silver, by extension) is going in the weeks, months and years to come. To that end I have again posted links to the most enlightening articles on the subject for your review. Frankly, virtually nothing more can be written on the current and future pricing of gold than you will find in this summary article so read on and take action according to the conclusions you come to as a result of being fully informed. Words: 1975

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Where are Gold & Equities in the 3 Phases of Bull & Bear Markets? (+2K Views)

Have you ever thought about when to get into an investment and when to get out? Nearly all bull and bear markets have three distinct phases, and if you learn to recognize them you will significantly increase your chances of getting in while the market still has room to go up, and getting out before the bull market is over and people start to sell en masse. Words: 1200

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Financial Advisor/Planner Advisory Alert #2 on Gold

If you are tired of spending hours each week surfing the net or even visiting your up-to-now favourite financial site looking for articles that are extremely informative, relatively brief and very well-written, then go no further than Here is a sampling of articles posted on the site this past week related to what is happening in the gold market …

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Don't Fight the Fed: Buy Some of These 20 Blue Chip Stocks Instead!

The herd continues to stampede into U.S. Treasury debt of every possible maturity to, theoretically, avoid risk. Yields on AA+ 10-yr bonds can be locked in to yield 2.11% per year and you get your principal back in 10 years. [As we see it, though] the only justification for [such a meagre] return on invested capital must be tied to the belief that a return is better than nothing given the prospects of a future depression. We believe, however, that fighting the Fed and investing like a depression is coming is not the right way to position your portfolio. [Below are 20 suggestions on how to generate in excess of 2.11% returns plus strong appreciation potential with modest risk.] Words: 657

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