Friday , 20 September 2024

Search Results for: bubbles

The U.S. Debt Spiral: When Will it End? More Importantly, HOW Will it End? (+3K Views)

The U.S. already has more government debt per capita than the PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain) do and it just keeps getting worse and worse thanks to both political parties. We are on the road to national financial oblivion yet most Americans don't seem to care. They don't realize that we have enjoyed the greatest prosperity we will ever see...and that when the debt bubble bursts there is going to be an immense amount of pain. That is a very painful truth, but it is better to come to grips with it now than be blindsided by it later. [Let me explain.] Words: 1140

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This Will NOT End Well – Enjoy It While It Lasts – Here’s Why (+5K Views)

...The US Government and its catastrophic fiscal morass are now viewed by the world as a ‘safe haven’. This would easily qualify for a comedy shtick if it weren’t so serious....[but] the establishment is thrilled with these developments because it helps maintain the status quo of the dollar standard era. However, there are some serious ramifications that few are paying attention to and are getting almost zero coverage from traditional media. [Let me explain what they are.] Words: 1150

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Graham Summers: Spain Has Brought Europe to the Point of NO Return – Here's Why

Spain is a catastrophe [of major proportions and] to fully understand [why that is the case] we need to understand Spain in the context of both the EU and the global financial system. [Once you read what I outline below you will more fully understand why] I believe that the EU in its current form is in its final chapters. Whether it's through Spain imploding or Germany ultimately pulling out of the Euro, we've now reached the point of no return: the problems facing the EU (Spain and Italy) are too large to be bailed out! Words: 1345

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MarketWatch Posts the Most Deceptive and Dangerous Financial Headline – EVER! Here's Why

MarketWatch's headine last Friday read You Have to Play to Win: U.S. stocks' stellar performance so far in 2012 is remarkable in part for the enemic trading volumns that have accompanied Wall Street's rise, and those on the sidelines, as with the lottery, stand no chance. I believe that this may be the single most deceptive and dangerous financial headline I have ever seen published by such an influential provider of financial information. [Let me explain why I think that is the case.] Words: 1232

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The Bull Market In Equities is NOT Over! Here's Why

In spite of all the bearishness out there - the S&P 500 falling to 1,000 (David Tice),the market is overbought (John Hussman), its looking like the bear market of 2011 all over again (David Rosenberg), for example - I tend to disagree for 4 fundamental reasons. Let me explain. Words: 595

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