Saturday , 21 September 2024

Search Results for: bubbles

You CAN Time the Market If You Know How! Here’s How

Much has been written that it is impossible to time the market - that a buy and hold approach is much more rewarding - but that is simply not the case. This article provides you with the knowledge and a great charting service (free) to do just that.All you need do then is set aside the time and make the effort to apply the disciplines learned.

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Implosion In Canada’s Housing Market Is Inevitable! Here’s Why (+3K Views)

The Canadian housing market is deep into bubble territory. We all know that bubbles can go on for longer than most people think but with the crash in oil prices and people fully believing their own hype, the market is set up for a big fall from grace. Canadian households are deep into debt and make American households look like penny pinchers. Here are five charts showing that the implosion in Canada’s housing market is inevitable.

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An Economic Crash Seems Likely This Year – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Dozens (dare I say hundreds?) of "analysts" (should I say alarmists?) are convinced that the U.S. economy (and that of the world for that matter) is going to hell in a hand basket - and soon. How sound are their analyses of the current economic situation? Will they be proven to be very insightful or nothing less than fear mongers looking for attention? Their views are all here. You be the judge.

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Silver: 14 Specific Peak Price Predictions (+9K Views)

Over the years only 14 pundits have been bold enough to provide a specific date as to when their forecast for the future price of silver would be realized. This article provides that information along with the criteria & rationale for their determinations.

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My Financial Forecast For 2015 – Gird Your Loins & Fasten Your Seat Belts!

“Gird your loins and fasten your seat belts!” Below is Part 1 of my forecast for 2015 related to financial (incl. banking & oil) matters. Those related to geopolitical (incl. Russia, China, Japan, USA, Europe & the Islamic State) particulars and U.S. domestic (incl. political, political & societal) particulars are covered in subsequent articles.

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