Saturday , 21 September 2024

Search Results for: bubbles

China’s Equity Markets Going Absolutely Ballistic! (+2K Views)

The speculative fervor in China's equity markets is spreading. The Shanghai Composite has cleared the 5000 mark after hovering just above 2000 around six months ago. This rally has been nothing short of spectacular. HERE are some key trends that point to just how heated the market has become.

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Financially Most Americans Are Totally Unprepared – What About You? (+2K Views)

It's up to the concerned and critical-thinking among us to look at the math, the hard data underlying the headlines, and construct what we can best calculate to be true about our current personal financial level of (un)readiness for the future and the truth is that there are 3 adult generations in the U.S. are experiencing a squeeze that is making it harder to create value, save capital, and pursue happiness than at any point since WWII. Let's walk through the numbers.

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Don’t Be Passive! Active Portfolio Management Has Major Benefits

We understand the appeal of passive investing. It offers lower fees and simplicity and many investors are skeptical about the ability of active managers to consistently beat a benchmark...yet there’s also a lot of evidence supporting the benefits of an active approach. Today, we see many risks that are hard to avoid by hugging a benchmark—and opportunities that simply cannot be captured by going passive. While not every point is relevant to every investor, in every market, we can think of ten good reasons to stay active in equities today.

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Canada’s Housing Bubble Is A Sight To Behold – A Terrible Sight! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Canada’s housing bubble has been a sight to behold. Home prices only dipped 8% when the US housing market crashed. Then it re-soared. Now, across the country, home prices are 26% higher than they were at the already crazy peak in 2008. In Toronto, they’re 42% higher! There is a major drawback Canada's housing bubble beyond the fact that it will eventually crash with terrible consequences.

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Is This the Beginning of the Expected Stock Market Crash? (+2K Views)

For months numerous articles have been posted on this site substantiating why a stock market collapse of epic proportions is in the cards to happen soon. The basis for such a conclusion are based on a diverse perspective that warrants your attention. With your money on the line - your future quality of life at risk - here is your opportunity to be forewarned and do something about it.

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