Saturday , 21 September 2024

Search Results for: bubbles

Canada Has Devalued Its Dollar (Loonie) Again – Why? (+2K Views)

The Bank of Canada has cut its overnight rate for the second time in the last six months - to 0.5% - and the Canadian dollar has reacted as expected, [indeed, as intended,] putting the Canadian dollar at a six-year low in terms of dollars (-10.2%) and pound sterling (-10.4%). So why the rate cuts and competitive devaluation?

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Canadian Real Estate Due For Significant Correction – Here’s Why

Canada's real estate market has started to look eerily similar to the conditions that were present before the United States' real estate crash...This article reviews the data to compare the Canadian real estate values to the U.S. real estate market, to suggest why the Canadian real estate market is due for a significant correction.

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S&P 500 Companies Most Worried About Economies of Canada, Australia & China

One way to gauge the level of concern about the situation in Greece is to see how many S&P 500 companies mentioned Greece relative to other countries during recent earnings conference calls so FactSet combed through the 21 earnings conference calls held since June 1 by S&P 500 companies and found these 9 countries to have been mentioned the most [where's Greece?].

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Oh Canada! Are You Prepared For What’s Likely Coming?

Chilling references to a potential (likely) financial crisis in Canada keep cropping up in official statistical data releases. First it was concerns about the housing bubble there and the high level of personal debt to income, now it's about how hard manufacturing is getting hit there in spite of the loonie (Canadian dollar) dropping 17% against the US dollar in the past 15 months. It really begs the question "Oh Canada, Are You Prepared For What's Coming?"

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Stock Market Not Likely To Crash Soon & Here’s Why

History shows rather clearly that the stock market is prone to extreme events, aka crashes. The challenge is deciding when the risk for a repeat performance is unusually high... The leading factor, of course, is the business cycle but internal market issues can't be ignored either. With that in mind, I've developed what I think of as a crash-risk index for the U.S. stock market (S&P 500), which draws on signals from ten metrics that are reflecting different factors...

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Deepest Downturn Since the Great Depression Is Coming (+2K Views)

This isn't the time to listen to those leading politicians, economists and pundits who say we're not in a bubble and we're finally seeing a sustainable recovery. We're not. Central banks can't keep this bubble going forever... [Instead,] you need to prepare for another across-the-board bubble burst and the deepest downturn since the Great Depression, with deflation, not inflation, and this time, in spite of what others such as Jeff Clark might tell you, Gold will not be your defense, it will be your downfall. Here's why.

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