Saturday , 21 September 2024

Search Results for: bubbles

Canada Votes to Spend Itself Into Prosperity (+2K Views)

Canada has surprisingly often been the place where the future happens first - and it’s happening again. Last Monday, Canadian voters swept the ruling Conservatives out of power, delivering a stunning victory to the center-left Liberals led by Justin Trudeau in a clear rejection of the deficit-obsessed austerity orthodoxy that has dominated political discourse across the Western world. The Liberals ran on a frankly, openly Keynesian vision, and won big.

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U.S. Currency: 33 Fascinating Facts

The next time you spend your cash, take a moment to reflect on the history of the bill or coin in your hand as depicted in today’s infographic illustrating 33 fascinating facts about U.S. currency (notes and coins).

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U.S. Needs Donald Trump – He’s An Expert At Declaring Bankruptcy

What the Land of the Free needs right now is someone who can stop beating around the bush and just get on with it already and that someone is Donald Trump because he is an expert at declaring bankruptcy. When the going gets tough, Trump stiffs his creditors - he’s done it four times - and such experience would come in handy during the next presidential term. The U.S. government is bankrupt and default is inevitable. Who better to oversee such an event than Donald Trump!

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Is Canada Highly Susceptible To A Financial Crisis? Perhaps But Not Likely – Here’s Why

Canadian households are heavily leveraged and with their level of debt in proportion to income now hovering at record levels, they are vulnerable to a range of economic shocks that could create a financial crisis. I am of the opinion, however, that the range of variables at play discussed in this article would mitigate any possibility of a meltdown of Canada's financial system. Let me explain.

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Bank of Canada Has Exacerbated Canada’s Majestic Housing Bubble

The Bank of Canada took a good look at the Canadian economy, saw it was sinking into the mire, glanced at the collapsed prices of commodities, particularly oil, saw how they were wreaking havoc in Canada, and then looked at the global economy, particularly at China and the US, and freaked out with the realization (acknowledgement) that things are heading south FAST.

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