Saturday , 21 September 2024

Search Results for: bubbles

3 Hidden Signs of Surging Credit Stress

I’m here with a major warning — a warning about hidden signs of surging credit stress. In fact, I haven’t seen these kinds of dangerous credit market moves since the weeks and months leading up to the great credit crisis.

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The 4 Stages of Monetary Madness Will End with Economic Chaos

There are four stages of fiat money printing that have been used by central banks throughout their horrific history of usurping the market-based value of money and borrowing costs. It is a destructive path that began with going off the gold standard and historically ends in hyperinflation and economic chaos.

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Stocks Are In a Bubble By Virtually Every Reasonable Metric

While CNBC and other perma-bulls claim that the stock market is a great investment today, the smart money is already prepping for a disaster. Goldman Sachs has told its clients to “sell at the new high.” Credit Suisse just told its clients stocks “haven’t looked this worrisome since the tech bubble.” They’re correct. Stocks are in a bubble by virtually every reasonable metric.

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“Crexit” Is Upon Us – Caution is Warranted

“Crexit:” a credit crunch brought about by plunging bond prices, soaring losses, an implosion in China’s high-risk debt markets, and a reversal of all the “yield chase” trades investors have flocked to in the last couple of years. That's what S&P's debt analysis team fears is about to unfold with the acceleration in corporate debt and That tells me there’s more going on beneath the surface – and that caution is still warranted when it comes to your investing strategy.

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Central Bank Bubble Will Burst and Result In A Recession & Bear Market

The unwinding of the "Central Bank Bubble" will be worse than either the Dot.Com Bubble or the Housing Bubble. It seems like most investors continue to show apathy even with the warnings by us and quite a few others of the "unintended consequences" of the central banks doing things that have never been done before. Those investors are in good company because it appears to us that the leaders of the major central banks of the world do not have any idea of the "unintended consequences" either.

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The Gold (and soybeans) Rally Is About to Run Out of Gas – Here’s Why

Our experience has shown that the huge imbalance in positions between the commercial producers selling forward production and the speculators’ buying of anticipation typically resolves itself in the fundamental direction of the commercial traders’ collective prediction. The gold and soybeans rallies are about to find themselves out of gas.

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What Goes Up Exponentially Eventually Drops Like A Stone – Got Gold?

When growth becomes exponential the likelihood is that it won’t last and that there will a substantial move in the opposite direction. This article looks at the unsustainable trends in most asset classes, population numbers, inflation and credit growth and discusses the dire consequences that are most likely to unfold in the years to come as a result.

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