Friday , 20 September 2024

Search Results for: bubble

All’s Well That Ends Well BUT It Won’t End Well This Time!

Since 2008 stocks have risen dramatically throughout every stage of quantitative easing but, when the various phases of quantitative easing have ended, stocks have always responded by declining substantially...only to eventually start rising again was a new round of quantitative easing. So what will happen this time?

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There’s NO Way To Dodge the Bullet: We Must Continue to Leverage & Inflate – or Die! Here’s Why

Interest rates will not rise again in our lifetime. Why, you ask? Because the leverage in the system would collapse the very financial assets and governments which underpin the global financial systems. It is INFLATE or DIE and it provides the additional benefit of feeding insolvent welfare states and the socialist politicians to feed their "useful idiot" supporters. Today’s missive will put some meaning into that observation.

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If You’re Not Scared Sh*tless About the Future of the Financial World – You Should Be! Here’s Why

How can you not be scared sh*tless about the future of the financial world given the fact that most S&P 500 companies are spending almost all of their profits on buybacks and payouts and, given the power finance has gathered over the real world, how can you not be scared about your own future? I’m open to suggestions, but I don’t see it. Why? Because I think that what we’re looking at here is the imminent demise of the corporate world, and therefore the financial world, and the entire U.S. economy as we know it. Let me explain.

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History Says “Expect An Economic Crash AGAIN In 2015” – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Large numbers of people believe that an economic crash is coming next year based on a 7-year cycle of economic crashes that goes all the way back to the Great Depression. Such a premise is very controversial - some of you will love it, and some of you will think that it is utter rubbish - so I just present the bare bone facts below for you decide for yourself if it is something to seriously consider protecting yourself from in 2015.

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Confirmed Hindenburg Omen Says 23.5% Probability of -15%+ Stock Market Crash; 61.7% Chance of +5% Decline (+3K Views)

No stock market crash (a decline greater than 15%) has occurred over the past 30 years without the presence of a Hindenburg Omen except on one occasion (the mini-crash of July/August 2011). As such, without an official confirmed Hindenburg Omen, we are pretty safe from experiencing a major stock market correction. On the other hand, if we have an official Hindenburg Omen, then a critical set of market conditions necessary for a stock market crash exists. As of September 19th, 2014, we have such a condition in the market...

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