Saturday , 21 September 2024

Search Results for: bubble

Ian Gordon: LongWave Cycle of Winter to Drive Gold to $4,000/oz. (+2K Views)

Investors are beginning to understand that the U.S. dollar is not the safe haven they perceived it was a few years ago and concurrently, neither are U.S. Treasury notes and bonds. Given the American national debt and deficit problems, from both a fundamental and technical perspective, the U.S. greenback has the potential for considerable downside. Ergo and by axiom, gold bullion has significant upside potential to $1,500 per ounce over the short to mid-term time horizon of 1 – 2 years and $4,000 per ounce over the longer term. Words: 1104

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U.S. Economy Faces 5 Plausable Doomsday Scenarios

Most signs point to a slow and steady recovery, but what if the pessimists are right, again? What if the United States isn't in the slow-lane to recovery, but rather on the precipice of another decline -- a double dip? [If so,] where might this re-recession begin? Words: 988

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Ratio Analyses Suggest Possible $10,400 Gold, $650 Silver and $250 Oil (+2K Views)

Analysing the long-term relationships of gold with other assets suggests that, in most instances, physical gold and silver and the shares of the companies that mine those precious metals have major upside potential - to somewhere between $3,000 and $10,400 per ounce for gold, between $75 and $650 per ounce for silver and in excess of $250 per barrel for crude oil - in the years to come. Words: 1132

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Value Investing: The Practical Application of Benjamin Graham & Warren Buffett’s Principles (+2K Views)

While the average amateur investor may be excellent in their own career field, it doesn't mean they know what to invest in, or how to pick stocks. In fact being very good at your field can give you the false sense that whatever stocks you pick or your broker picks for you must be good, because after all, you picked them and you picked your broker — and you're smart so, no doubt, those stock prices will go up. Unfortunately, the smart and talented stock-picking neophyte is not investing at all but speculating. Words: 924

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Move Over Japan – U.S. Edging Towards a Deflationary Trap Too

Some analysts suggest that the U.S. is heading into a long period of stagnant growth, in large part because of high unemployment and an overhang of debts that will restrain consumer spending which tends to hold down wages, putting more downward pressure on prices and once deflation sets in, consumers may hoard cash or try to pay off their debts faster, fueling the downward spiral of spending and growth. words: 1105

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