Friday , 20 September 2024

Search Results for: bubble

Here’s the Definitive Article on Why Gold is Going Even Higher (+7K Views)

[Whatever you] call it - a bubble, a frenzy or a mania - there seems to be a large number of voices in the marketplace who just are not fans of gold, whether prices are moving up, down or sideways [but] the reality is that gold doesn’t possess the traits necessary for a financial bubble to form. [In fact, the current worldwide economic and fiscal environment suggests that gold will go MUCH higher. Let me explain.] Words: 2368

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Hyperinflation to Occur in U.S. as Early as 2013! Here’s Why

In our estimation, the most likely time frame for a full-fledged outbreak of hyperinflation in America is between the years 2013 and 2015 [based on 12 warning signs that are on the horizon.] Americans who wait until 2013 to prepare, will most likely see the majority of their purchasing power wiped out. It is essential that all Americans begin preparing for hyperinflation immediately. Words: 2065

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It's Time To Sell Your Stocks and Buy Gold! Here's Why

The S&P 500 has rebounded about 100% in 100 weeks. What crisis? What new normal? The economy is recovering and happy times are back again. Old normal is back. Stocks for the long run! Permabears be damned! The permabulls are back! Rates are low, core inflation is low. It's Goldilocks time! [Hold on, though. That's only half the picture and the other half does not paint such a rosy picture. Let me explain.] Words: 959

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Is Gold a "Gotta-Have" Investment? Some Don't Think So

There's a saying in the investment business that when the taxi driver and the delivery person are talking about a "no-lose, gotta-have" investment, it's time to run for the exits. At that point of maximum adoration and comfort, the masses have gone wild and that's often the warning that the smart money is on its way to the exits and the novices will be trampled in the exodus. Think technology stock bubble in 2000, or house flipping three years ago. Now, think gold. Words: 538

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Goldrunner: Gold and Silver Mining Stocks Ready to Rip Higher

I am at a loss for words (something that rarely happens to me) as to why so many in the gold and silver sector have become so negative at this juncture in this Historic Precious Metals Bull Market. No doubt many have “2008-itis”, thinking that the Dow is going to crash [but my analyses of the PM market suggests that that is not going to be the case. Let me explain.] Words: 2497

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Here's the Math: Higher Oil Price Could Cost Median U.S. Household $700 in 2011!

An analysis of the effect that rising crude oil prices is having, and will continue to have, on America's standard of living is very revealing. For every $1 increase in a barrel of crude oil the cost of what you pay at the pump for a gallon of gasoline goes up $0.03. That may not seem like much but the recent spike in the price of oil, were it to remain at its current level of $105 per barrel, would cost the median household somewhere in the neighborhood of $700 in 2011 - yes, $700! Words: 345

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Global Money Printing Is A Recipe For A Global Economic Nightmare (+2K Views)

If the U.S. dollar is being devalued so rapidly, then why does it sometimes increase in value against other global currencies? It is because there are times when one particular global currency will fall faster than the others but the reality is that they are all being rapidly devalued. As the 6 charts below illustrate, the UK, the EU, Japan, China and India, as well as the U.S., have all been printing money like there is no tomorrow. Unfortunately, this is a recipe for a global economic nightmare. Words: 1102

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Historical Gold:Silver Ratio Suggests Silver Could Easily Reach $200! (+9K Views)

The current gold:silver ratio had been range-bound between 60:1 and 70:1 for quite some time until dropping below 50:1 recently (currently at 47:1) which is way out of whack with the historical relationship between the two precious metals as seen below. It begs the question: “Is now the perfect time to buy silver instead of the much more expensive gold metal?” Words: 1339

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Why Commodities Are The Conservative Choice Of Cautious Investors (+2K Views)

Confessions of a Conservative Investor Back in 2004 I made the momentous decision to sell my house in a real estate market that was still spiralling northward rather than wait for it to peak and then try to bail out as it declined. I knew that my cautious [and conservative] inclinations would cause me to miss out on further upside …

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