Friday , 20 September 2024

Search Results for: bubble

Telling it Like It Is: Monetary Policy, the Federal Reserve, and the National Debt Problem

The budgetary and fiscal crisis right now has made many political issues far clearer in people's minds. The debt dilemma is a challenge and an opportunity to set America on a freer and potentially more prosperous track, if the reality of the situation is looked at foursquare in the eye. Otherwise, dangerous, destabilizing, and damaging monetary and fiscal times may be ahead. [Here is how I see the situation and how I would propose solving the inherent problems.] Words: 3518

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Why the USD Index Could Fall to 65 and Gold Rise to…

At present the USD is at yet another major inflection point and what it does from here will have direct implications for U.S. investors, not only asset allocation (bonds, stocks, commodities, currencies) but also sector allocation (cyclicals, non-cyclicals). [Let's take a closer look at the situation.] Words: 2102

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Be Forewarned: Worldwide Systemic Financial Risk is Rising Rapidly – Again

The credit risk of the 30 large global financial entities representing the most systemically worrisome firms in the world just broke an important channel. It is now at its highest level in over four months having increased 14% in just the last three weeks which is extremely fast. At current levels we are now almost twice as risky as we were prior to the financial crisis and there is increasing concern that there might be another round of insolvencies or collapse of the financial industry. [Let's take a closer look.] Words: 630

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What Are Technical Indicators Saying About the Near-term for Gold, Silver & Oil? (2K Views)

Now that we are at a crossroads in both commodity and equity markets heavy technical analysis, in addition to a standard fundamental outlook, may prove useful in identifying the next big swings - before they occur - for gold, silver), and crude oil... [and answer the prevailing question of those looking to establish, or re-establish, commodity positions: "Is now the time to jump into one or more of these markets or should I] sit on the sidelines a bit longer. [Let's take a look.] Words: 2012

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Why You Should Buy Silver – Instead of Gold! (+2K Views)

Understanding silver is not difficult but ACTING upon your understanding and purchasing the physical metal is PSYCHOLOGICALLY a VERY difficult thing to do. You will always second guess the timing, always be told you are crazy for paying REAL MONEY for a piece of metal and ALWAYS be having to justify your ACTIONS to those who have taken NO ACTION. [Let me explain things further and lay out some sound reason why you should sell whatever gold you currently own and buy silver instead.] Words: 2273

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Predicting the Future Price of Gold Is All Relative – Here's Why

“Gold bugs” routinely solicit my prediction regarding the future gold price, assuming I must be an “educated” gold bug since my hedge fund happens to maintain large gold exposure... [but such an answer] depends on variables [such as] what time period? Next week? Month? Year? Ten years? [and] compared to what? U.S. dollars? Euros? Real estate? Gummi bears! [Let me explain.] Words: 955

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