Friday , 20 September 2024

Search Results for: bubble

Is $53,000 Gold in Our Future? Time Will Tell

The world is in an absolute mess, economically, financially, politically and morally... and this has been evident for at least 10-15 years. The only thing that is not clear is how long governments and central banks can deceive the people by kicking the can down the road in an endless creation of worthless pieces of paper that they call money...The world is now staring into the abyss and we are most likely entering the Dark Years which I wrote about two years ago. The consequences will almost certainly be unlimited money printing and a hyperinflationary depression [which will result in dramatic increases in the price of gold. Let me explain.] Words: 2004 2064

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Gold Could Go to $7,275! Here's Why

With gold trading Thursday (August 18) at close to $1835/oz, many are asking if gold is in a bubble. While gold may be expensive relative to its price last year, how does it compare with that of the S&P 500 -and, as such, how much higher might we expect gold to go]? Words: 346

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Gold is Due for a Correction BUT Long-term Prospect is Bright – Here's Why

Gold is due for a correction. It would be a non-event to see a 10 percent drop in gold and this would actually be a healthy development for markets by shaking out the short-term speculators while the long-term story remains on solid ground. [Indeed, were] gold’s relative value to return to 1979-1980 peak levels of 7.6 times the S&P 500, gold would have to hit the $10,000 mark. [Let me explain further.] Words: 1316

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What Should a Prudent Gold Investor Do Now?

We are in an environment where gold bugs boldly proclaim that gold is going to the moon, and gold bears strongly protest that gold is in a bubble. At such a heated stage, this article attempts to answer the question, “What is a prudent investor to do now?” Words: 575

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Is Gold a "Greater Fool" Asset?

I believe the terminology "investing in gold" is a misnomer. Speculation is a better fit for the argument to own gold than considering it an investment. [Let me explain.] Words: 606

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Don't Fight the Fed: Buy Some of These 20 Blue Chip Stocks Instead!

The herd continues to stampede into U.S. Treasury debt of every possible maturity to, theoretically, avoid risk. Yields on AA+ 10-yr bonds can be locked in to yield 2.11% per year and you get your principal back in 10 years. [As we see it, though] the only justification for [such a meagre] return on invested capital must be tied to the belief that a return is better than nothing given the prospects of a future depression. We believe, however, that fighting the Fed and investing like a depression is coming is not the right way to position your portfolio. [Below are 20 suggestions on how to generate in excess of 2.11% returns plus strong appreciation potential with modest risk.] Words: 657

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This Pattern Forecast the Crash (+2K Views)

Given that the financial system is now even more leveraged than it was during the tech bubble… and that we’ve added TRILLIONS in debt to the U.S.’s balance sheet...another systemic collapse [was to be expected and, in fact, was predicted by]... a stock market pattern that has occurred multiple times in the last century - and everytime it did, things got UGLY [- just like it is doing this time. Let's take a look.] Words: 422

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Market Crash Will Hit By Christmas 2011! Here's Why

At the beginning of 2011 USA Today reported...[that] Ned Davis Research says the S&P 500 will make a run at the 2007 high of 1,565, hit a “midyear peak” [and] then it will crash as interest rates rise...concluding that “the midyear peak could mark the end of the cyclical bull market that began in March 2009 and the start of a new cyclical bear market.” Words: 637

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What Caused the Financial Crisis? 3% Down Mortgages or Wall Street Greed? (+2K Views)

3%! Simply amazing. 3% isn’t even close to serious. If you are only able or willing to put down 3% you simply aren’t serious about homeownership. It’s laughable...yet by 2007 40% of all mortgages had less than 3% downpayments...Evidence is now pouring in...that the financial crisis of 2008 was nearly exclusively created by government’s misguided interventions and manipulations of the housing market. [Let me explain further.] Words: 671

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