Friday , 20 September 2024

Search Results for: bubble

This Equity is THE Best Investment For These Volatile Times

In response to a recent request to identify the best one investment that provides acceptable growth without incurring unreasonable risk we applied our proprietary algorithms based on our unique ZYX Change Method and came up with a relatively unknown equity that warrants serious consideration for inclusion in your portfolio. Words: 454

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The U.S. Dollar Crisis is About to Accelerate! Here's Why

If the debt ceiling deal agreement is fully implemented [it is only going to exacerbate America's financial and economic woes and accelerate the demise of the U.S.] Dollar Standard which is inherently flawed and increasingly unstable. Its demise is imminent. The only question is will it be death by fire—hyperinflation—or death by ice—deflation? Fortunes will be made and lost depending on the answer to that question. [Let me explain how the collapse of the dollar could well unfold.] Words: 944

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A Full-blown International Bond & Currency Crisis is Approaching – Fast! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Over the past two months stock markets have crashed around the world and gold prices have soared as global investors decided that the U.S. has lost its race against time. A new recession is upon us before we even half-closed the output gap left open from the last recession. It means even larger deficits and an even weaker dollar. The price of gold and Treasury bonds is telling us that a full-blown international bond and currency crisis is approaching. There is no international policy mechanism available to stop the panic short of re-opening the gold window that the U.S. closed unilaterally and “temporarily” in 1971. [Let me explain.] Words: 3025

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Can Such a High Price for Gold Be Justified? (+2K Views)

Gold's value should depend on the economic and political situation of the time. Right now there are fears of hyperinflation, collapse of the eurozone and even a collapse of the entire financial system. Gold should be worth more than its historical average, but how much more? Words: 3063

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Check Out This Grading System for Comparing Stocks (+2K Views)

Jeremy Siegel offered in his book, Stocks for the Long-Run, several actionable techniques that investors might find beneficial, one of which was a 3 parameter approach to stock valuation called the O-Metrix Grading System. The metrix has been applied to all 30 stocks listed on the Dow Jones Industrial Index and 5 stocks top the list. Below is an explaination of the approach, the formula and the results for all 30 stocks. Words: 985

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Your Savings and Investments Will Be in Dire Jeopardy Going Into 2012 Unless….. (+2K Views)

The United States is now so far in debt, it will never be able to pay it off, that is, without hyper-inflation. That subject alone will require many more articles than this. The sky is not falling (yet) but your savings and investments are in dire jeopardy going into 2012. You might wish to now do something to protect yourself. [May I offer the following investment ideas.] Words: 1648

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The REAL Reason Gold is Escalating in Price (+2K Views)

When someone points to the Fed, the U.S. government and its “central planning” or “money printing” as the primary cause of the surge in the price of gold and justification of their USA hyperinflation theory, you might do them a favor and let them know that they’re right about the flaws of central planning and excessive money printing [but] that they’re focusing on the wrong central bank. [Let me explain why that is the case and who the real "culprit" is.] Words: 856

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