Friday , 20 September 2024

Search Results for: bubble

Chris Vermeulen: Gold to Rebound to $1,775 by Year-end

A few weeks ago (August 31st) I wrote about how gold was starting to top and that everyone should expect a very sharp drop to the low $1600 area... [and] only three days later gold topped and it has not stopped falling since. At that time [however] was still building the top pattern so I could not say how long a recovering would likely take nor did I know exactly when to re-enter a long position but now that we have seen how gold arrived at my target price I can form a new forecast. Words: 1078

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Unbelievable! Geithner Admits That He Doesn't Know What To Do

An Associated Press release has said that U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has told eurozone finance officials the U.S. is not trying to lecture them on their debt crisis saying that "we still have our challenges in the United States" and that "our politics are terrible... maybe worse than they are in many parts of Europe". The U.S. finance chief said that given the challenges the U.S. faces, "we're not in a particularly strong position to provide advice to all of you." Why isn't this breaking news? Words: 570

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Tidal Wave of Global Gold Demand Developing (+2K Views)

In the is not only celebrated, acquired, worn or displayed during holidays or special occasions; it is seen as an everyday symbol of wealth. Increases in demand from China and India have driven a 7.5 percent increase in demand for gold jewelry during the first half of the year despite a 25 percent increase in the price. [Overall,] gold buying in India jumped 38 percent during the second quarter alone...China’s gold purchases jumped 90 percent on a year-over-year basis through June. In addition, demand from central banks is growing dramatically. [Such activity is setting up a] perfect storm - a tidal wave of gold demand [which can only keep prices high and escalating. Let me be more explicit.] Words: 959

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Ian Campbell's Commentary: More on Gold!

I read an article yesterday about the price of physical gold...that I think is worth bringing to your attention [not only because of what was conveyed but who was the source of the comments made and the great credibility of those comments given his] immediate access... to people he knows in high-level positions [and] can, and no doubt does, interact and share views with on a daily basis. [Let me explain more fully.] Words: 840

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Gold Stocks: Get Ready, Get Set, GO! (2K Views)

Both gold and silver continue to trade well below their inflation-adjusted highs in nominal terms, and the market is now beginning to acknowledge the profit potential that precious metals equities offer at today’s bullion prices. We believe the equities will offer more upside than the bullion over time. Many of the smaller names are well priced and have momentum behind them. The prospects for gold stocks look extremely bright [for very good reasons. Let us explain.] Words: 2250

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Watch Out: Gold NOW Prone to a Collapse! Here's Why

Attention on the gold market has reached a fever pitch, with almost every commentator stating their love for the metal’s currency and sociopolitical hedging attributes. However, we believe the risk in holding gold has now reached unacceptable levels, and it is now prone to a collapse. [Let us explain.] Words: 1790

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Now’s the Time to Buy These 5 "sleep-well-at-night" Dividend Growth Stocks – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

The past month has been marked with volatility and steep sell-off in stocks on a global scale. The unprecedented downgrade of US government debt from S&P, the high unemployment and the slowdown in the U.S. economy all caused investors to be bearish on equities. As stocks keep on falling however, companies keep on generating positive earnings surprises. Despite all the bearish news, I believe that now is the perfect time to start accumulating stocks, [particularly the following 5 "sleep-well-at-night" dividend growth stocks. Here's why.] Words: 1362

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Eric Sprott: Financial Train Wreck Coming Soon! Got Gold? Better Yet, Got Silver? (+2K Views)

We have a financial system that's on the edge of a cliff here. People have to be in precious metals if they want to protect themselves. Everyone who's an investor has money. They have it invested in some paper instrument and when they realise they have a problem with their money in a bank or owning some government note the demand for gold could just be overwhelming! It could be parabolic all of a sudden. Currently, only o.75% of the world's financial assets are in gold so just imagine what a 5% to 10% interest in gold would mean for its price. On top of that, I believe that silver will get back into a 16:1 ratio to gold in three to five years for sure so that means that silver is going to have a great upside potential. Got gold? Better yet, got silver? Words: 5169

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Jim Rogers: Stop Buying Gold! These Other Commodities are a Better Buy!

Jim Rogers is one of the most successful investors of all-time...and he buys value. Back in 1999, he predicted that a "supercycle" commodity bull market would see raw material prices advancing for longer than in any previous uptrend led by gold and silver. Gold was trading near its low at $252 and silver at $4 at the time but with gold up 650% from its lows and silver with an even greater gain - obviously Rogers was right. Rogers has now stopped buying gold moving, [instead,] towards a greater commodity opportunity that he thinks offers the same kind of values that gold and silver did a decade ago. Words: 909

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