Friday , 20 September 2024

Search Results for: bubble

Gold to Bounce Back to $2,250 – $3,000; Silver to $52 – $62; HUI to mid-900s by Year End (+3K Views)

A tsunami doesn’t start with a bang, but with a whimper. The first sign is a little hump in the water way out in the distance that is barely notable. Anyone who catches a glimpse of it simply continues to expect the day to be the same as the last many days - calm and beautiful waters along the shore. This is the point where we are, today in the Precious Metals sector. Many have seen the little roll of water out in the distance as Gold edged up in the first move of a more parabolic slope, yet most investors are mired in the same expectations of yesterday - a return for Gold to correct down into a lower base. Our analysis based on the fractal relationship to 1979 shows, however, that the mid 900s are a realistic target for the HUI by the end of the year or early in 2012; that $52 to $56 should be achievable for silver, with $58 to $62 as real possibilities; and that Gold should go the $2250 level followed by $2500 with the potential for $3,000, or a bit higher, now on the radar screen. Let me explain why that is the case. Words: 2130

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What's Going On With Gold??

What's going on? If gold is the great anti-asset, the thing to hold when everything else is in collapse why is it now trading...[below $1,700 and] not $2,000? Words:1147

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Financial Dominoes: First Greece, then Much of Europe and Finally the USA?

For decades, the governments of the western world have been warned that they were getting into way too much debt. For decades, the major banks and the big financial institutions were warned that they were becoming way too leveraged and were taking far too many risks. Well, nobody listened so now we get to watch a global financial nightmare play out in slow motion. Grab some popcorn and get ready. It is going to be quite a show. [Let me explain.] Words: 1075

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Goldrunner: The Gold Tsunami Wave Cycle

The Gold (and Silver) bull continues to closely follow the giant wave formation of a tsunami. The recent more parabolic rise in Gold up to above $1,900 is analogous to the little ridge of water we first saw way out in the distance, and now, much like when the waters recede from the shore early in the tsunami wave formation, Gold is undergoing a correction. Words: 1557

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Unlike the U.S and U.K, Canada's Home Prices Are STILL Rising!

Canada, France and Switzerland stood alone among nine markets measured in recording annual price gains, based on second-quarter data, with inflation-adjusted price increases of 5%, 5% and 4%, respectively, compared to declines of 6% in the U.S., the U.K. and Australia, 10% in Spain and 14% in Ireland. In fact, Canada's home prices have escalated 44% since 2005 - with a high of 68% in Vancouver - and they are up 7.7% in the past 12 months! Words: 1244

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Aden Sisters: Buy Gold NOW as it Corrects on its Way to $2,000 (Almost 2K Views)

When you just consider the downgrade of U.S. debt, the jobs problem, the housing situation, the European bank concerns and their debt crisis, the negative outlook for the global economy, not to mention that the Fed will likely seek new measures to help the economy, we just don’t see gold coming down any time soon, other than having a normal downward correction [as currently is the case. Let us show you why.] Words: 1102

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Will Gold & Silver Climb a Further 250% and 300% Respectively?

If gold and silver come anywhere close to mimicking the performance of the last great bull market of the 1970s, tremendous upside remains. From their 1971 lows to January 1980 highs, gold rose 2,333%, while silver advanced an incredible 3,646%. Were those gains applied to the 2001 lows for gold and silver we would see a peak price for gold of $6,227 per troy ounce and $160 ozt. for silver. Those prices would represent increases of 250% (from around $1,780 for gold today) and of 300% (from around $40 for silver today), respectively. [If you believe that the aforementioned is at all possible shouldn't you be buying all that you can at today's current prices?] Words: 1283

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Ian Campbell's Commentary: Canada's Many Economic Advantages Make it #1 – Here's Why

Canada's size, political structure, and culture will enable it to – properly governed – be more resilient to world economic problems than any other developed country. [For one thing] we don't have the extent of political polarization that... [is currently the case] in Washington...and now exacerbated to new levels in these difficult economic times – and that will, in my view, cause the U.S. to continue down an increasingly rocky economic road. [Below I put forth Canada's economic advantages and disadvantages.] Words:1026

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