Saturday , 21 September 2024

Search Results for: bubble

History Says Silver Could Become the Next 10-Bagger Investment! Here’s Why (+3K Views)

If you concur with the 159 analysts (see below) that maintain that physical gold is going to go parabolic in price in the next few years to $3,000, $5,000 or even $10,000 or more then you should seriously consider buying physical silver. Why? Because the historical gold:silver ratio is so way out of wack that silver should appreciate much more than gold as it goes parabolic in the years to come. Indeed, silver could easily reach $100 - $200 per troy ounce, maybe even $300 and conceivably in excess of $400 depending on how high gold goes. The aforementioned may be hard to believe but an analysis below of the historical price relationship between silver and gold suggests that such will most likely occur if gold does, indeed, go parabolic. Take a look. Words: 1423

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Is Gold On Its Way to $3,000, $5,000, $10,000 or Even Higher? These Analysts Think So (+11K Views)

140 analysts maintain that gold will eventually reach a parabolic peak price of at least $3,000/ozt. before the bubble bursts of which 100 see gold reaching at least $5,000/ozt., 17 predict a parabolic peak price of as much as $10,000 per troy ounce of which 12 are on record as saying gold could go even higher than that. Take a look here at who is projecting what, by when and why. Words: 676

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"Gold is Useless!" and 6 Other Reasons To Hate Gold As An Investment (+3K Views)

Over the past few years, pretty much every investor has become familiar with gold. The shiny precious metal has surged in price and has managed to hold strong while broad indexes have slipped, highlighting its appeal as a diversification agent and safe haven investment. This has prompted many investors to ramp up their allocations to the space in order to take advantage of these favorable trends and lead their portfolios to broad gains...[but] there are a number of other issues that investors need to be aware of when considering allocating capital to the space, as there are several reasons to avoid the precious metal from an investment perspective. Below, we highlight seven reasons for why investors may want to temper their expectations for the metal and consider a more diversified approach that doesn’t include such a large allocation to the ‘barbaric relic’. Words: 2030

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Gold: Are You "The 99%" or "The 1%"? (+2K Views)

34% of Americans say gold is the best long-term investment, but how many of that 34% actually own it in the form of coins and bullion? No one has that figure, but my guess would be less than 1% of the total population, and when global investment demand doubles or triples (or more) from current levels -- a distinct possibility -- and you paint a whole new picture for gold. You begin to understand why gold is not in a bubble at all but, in fact, is in a long-term secular bull market that is still amassing considerable potential energy. Words: 1092

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Now’s the Time to be Contrarian and Invest in the Stock Market – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Can markets find the road back to positive territory? [There are] three reasons investors should consider [before deciding whether to] remain in equities or...sit on the sidelines, [namely that:] investor sentiment is signaling the market is over-extended to the downside, stocks are trading well below historical valuation trends and the S&P 500 dividend yields are higher than the 10-year Treasury yield. [Let's take a look at each of the three to help you come to a decision. Words: 960

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Why Have Gold & Silver Been Selling Off? Here's the Simple Answer

Why have gold and silver have been selling off? The answer is very simple. There is a strong correlation between a strong dollar and weak commodities. The dollar is no different than anything on earth – it will always follow the path of least resistance. As the dollar grows stronger commodities sell off or become cheaper [- and gold could go down as low as $1,500/ozt. and silver down to perhaps as low as $21/ozt. before this is all over. Let me explain further.] Words: 650

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Have Faith: These 140 Analysts Believe Gold is Going UP to at Least $3,000! (Almost 3K Views)

155 analysts have gone public, to date, in maintaining that gold will eventually go to a parabolic peak price of at least $2,500/ozt.+ before the bubble bursts. Of those 155 a total of 140 believe gold will reach at least $3,000/ozt., 101 see gold achieving a price of at least $5,000/ozt. and 20 maintain that gold will reach a parabolic peak price of $10,000 per troy ounce or more. Take a look here at who is projecting what, by when and why. Words: 832

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