Wednesday , 22 January 2025

Pan-Global Financial Collapse May Be Close At Hand Due to Banking Crisis in Cyprus

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Financial Analyst Gregory Mannarino says the banking crisis in Cyprus is a signal of what is global_economic_crisiscoming to the rest of the world and that:

  • People are now going to start losing faith in these institutions.  This cannot stand, and we may be very, very close to the pan-global financial collapse that I believe is coming.
  • People do not understand that the debt owed by their nation is their debt.  They own it.  They are going to force people to pay one way or another.  Haircuts are coming for everyone.
  • There is a debt war going on right now.”

Join Greg Hunter ( as he goes One-on-One HERE in a 14:39 long video conversation (8,900 views to date) with Gregory Mannarino ( as presented to you by (Your Key to Making Money!).

Think what is happening in Cyprus can’t happen in the U.S?  More than $10.8 trillion in deposits are insured by the FDIC with a $33 billion insurance fund.  Mannarino says, “That’s pretty scary,” and the best way to protect yourself is to “get into real assets . . . there would be no problem if people in Cyprus would have heeded that advice.” 

Editor’s Note: The author’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article. Furthermore, the views, conclusions and any recommendations offered in this article are not to be construed as an endorsement of such by the editor.



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One comment

  1. I believe that the warning in this article is premature!

    When one or more major Countries rips off its depositors account, then “there will be hell to pay”.