Monday , 29 April 2024

Search Results for: digital

Noonan on: What Is “Money”? What It Is Not! (+3K Views)

While money makes the world go around, very, very few people understand what money is and what money is not, and that is purposeful on the part of the elites and every government. This article explains why that is the case and why there is such confusion around such an understanding of the facts.

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Inflation: What Is It? What Isn’t It? Who’s Responsible For It? (+3K Views)

Inflation is the debasement of money by the government. PERIOD. It is NOT a general increase in the level of prices for goods and services. These statements are critical to an understanding and correct interpretation of events which are happening today - or expected to happen - that are casually attributable to inflation. Let's go one step further as to what inflation is, what it isn't and who's responsible for it.

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Are Taxes Higher In the U.S., Canada Or Britain?

The all-encompassing, deceptively brief infographic presented here by Fortunly includes specific examples of taxes around the world and how different conceptions of taxation are evolving in the digital era. No one enjoys paying taxes, but we hope you will enjoy learning about them here.

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28 Ways To Stop Paying the Sticker Price!

So, you don't want to pay full price for anything you buy and why should you? These days, you have so many ways to get around that pesky price on the tag, and with the latest apps and websites on your side, you can save big with very little effort. Here are 28 ways to get out of paying what's on the sticker.

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