Friday , 26 July 2024

Search Results for: fiat

The Pros and Cons of Retiring with a Gold IRA

For many of us, it makes tremendous sense to open a gold IRA account for retirement. This account has the ability to accrue massive value over decades as you work toward your retirement future. There’s never a perfect investment in this world and, in some cases, opening a gold IRA might not make sense for your personal wants and needs, but investing in gold is definitely close to ideal for everyone and this article presents the pros and cons of retiring with a gold IRA. 

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You Should Seriously Consider Investing In Gold & Silver – Here’s Why

No doubt you have read that gold and silver are “real money” and safeguards against future economic collapse but beneath all the sensational headlines, what’s the real story? Should you invest in gold and silver or, are precious metals a good investment right now? Here are 12 compelling reasons to invest in gold and silver.

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Gold: The Only Safe Haven Against Rampant Inflation

According to the Pew Research Center, despite some ups and downs over the past several decades, the real average wage in 2018 had the same purchasing power it did in 1978 as a result of inflation and the inability of fiat currencies to protect against it.

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U.S. Dollar Losing Its World Dominance (+5K Views)

The U.S. dollar has been the world’s dominant currency since the end of World War II with roughly half of international trade, international loans, and global debt securities being denominated in USD as illustrated in the graphic below.

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The Everything Bubble Must Be – and Will Be – Corrected. Got Gold?

I believe that we are at the end of a very major economic cycle. Not only are markets insane, but so are deficits, debts and currency debasements but also moral and ethical values have now vanished into thin air and been replaced by lies, deceit and the golden calf. We are now in a very critical period for the world since excesses of the magnitude we are now seeing must be corrected... and the corrections will be of a similar magnitude to the rise but happen much quicker. We are talking about falls of 90% or more in all major asset and debt markets. [Let me explain.]

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