Saturday , 27 April 2024

Search Results for: bubble

Housing Bubble Threatens Financial Stability of Canada – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Over the last 14 years, house prices in Canada have increased by 150%, twice as fast as in the U.S...[and] far outpacing household incomes. Any increase in interest rates would prick the bubble, and its implosion would trigger all sorts of mayhem to the point that the Canadian government has expressed concerned that such an event would be a significant risk to the "stability of the financial system".

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Borrowing Binge & Asset Bubble to Continue Until…Until

History strongly suggests that, rather than a return to a nice, placid world of “normal” interest rates, we are likely to see a continuation of the borrowing binge/asset bubble until real rates spike as a result of either soaring nominal rates soar or plummeting inflation. Here's why that is the case.

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Take Note: A Bubble Isn’t Necessary To Have A Sharp Decline In Stocks

With valuations stretched, investors seem to be justifying their stock purchases here with the argument that we have yet to reach the mania of 1999-2000 but history has shown us that there doesn't have to be a bubble for there to be a sharp decline in stocks. As we saw in 2007, it doesn't mean there is no risk of a significant market decline or that valuations are compelling and that investors should be expecting above average long-term returns from here. They should not.

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It’s Just A Matter Of Time Before the Stock Market Bubble Is Pricked! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Once again the stock market is in full bubble mode. The market was already overvalued earlier this year and the froth continues to build. Valuations are off the chart and euphoria is setting in while, at the same time, you have inflation eroding the purchasing power of regular Americans not participating in this casino. All the signs of a bubble top are there - massive speculation, unexplainable valuations, and blind optimism - even though the fundamentals don’t make any sense. This article substantiates that contention.

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Stock Market Bubble to “POP” and Cause Global Depression (+3K Views)

In their infinite wisdom the Fed thinks they have rescued the economy by inflating asset prices and creating a so called "wealth affect". In reality they have created the conditions for the next Great Depression and now it's just a matter of time...[until] the forces of regression collapse this parabolic structure. When they do it will drag the global economy into the next depression. Let me explain further.

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Bubble-level Valuations Don’t Cause Bear Markets! These Factors Do

So much analysis we see and hear lately is concerned with whether the stock market is in a bubble or not. The truth of the matter, however, is that bear markets do not begin due to bubble-level valuations being reached and then bursting, but in anticipation of half a dozen mitigating factors as outlined in this article.

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What Could – What Will – Pop This “Money Bubble”? (+2K Views)

There is too much debt. Debt works the same way for a country as it works for an individual or a family, which is to say if you borrow too much, then your life basically craters. Everything gets harder to do, and you end up doing things in order to deal with your past mistakes that you would never do normally. You start trying absolutely crazy things, and that’s where the world’s governments are right now. We are doing all these things that are essentially con games and getting away with it so far, because a printing press is a great tool for fooling people. I don’t see how we can get away with it too much longer.

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