Friday , 26 July 2024

Search Results for: fiat

GLD vs. PHYS: Which Is the Best Gold Trust & Why? (+26K Views)

Some investors might not be aware that SPDR Gold Trust (GLD) does not, in ordinary circumstances, allow for the redemption of physical gold while the Sprott Physical Gold Trust (PHYS) has the unique property of allowing investors to trade in their shares for physical gold deliveries. This article takes a look at the performance, liquidity and purpose of each to determine which is best under which circumstances.

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28 Countries Have Experienced Hyperinflation In Last 25 Years (+132K Views)

Hyperinflation is not an unusual phenomenon. 33 countries have experienced hyperinflation over the last 100 years of which no less than 22 have experienced it in the past 25 years and 4 in the past 10 years. The United States is one of the few countries to have experienced two currency collapses during its history (1812-1814 and 1861-1865). Could it happen again?

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What Would USD Collapse Mean for the World? (+29K Views)

I came to the conclusion several years ago that it was just a matter of time before the world realized that the relative functionality of the U.S. dollar was about to go belly up - to collapse. Below is an explanation as to why I have come to that conclusion and what I think it would mean for the well-being of the world.

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The Moses Generation & the Future of Gold (+11K Views)

I have come out of retirement for this one off, once only, speech to warn that the good ship “Life As We Know It” is sinking. You have the choice of getting into a life boat now or going down with the ship. The life boats consist of precious metals and other assets that will survive the coming currency destruction. [Let me explain.] Words: 1400

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Check It Out: Gold Stock Manias in 79/80, 82/83 & 95/96 Saw 2,000 – 4,000% Returns – and It Could Happen Again (+5K Views)

The timing of this article may seem incongruous given the current weak performance of gold and gold stocks but that was the identical situation in each of the past manias - both the metal and the equities didn't excel until the frenzy kicked in. The following documentation (exact returns from specific companies during this era are identified) is actually a fresh reminder of why we think you should hold on to your positions – or start accumulating them, if you haven't already. (Words: 1987; Tables: 7)

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Why, Pray Tell, Would I Want to Own Gold?? (+4K Views)

Comments I have made that "when this [financial crisis] finally ends the big winners are apt to be the ones who have lost the least purchasing power. Keeping score in nominal dollars is likely to be meaningless. Gold tends to hold its purchasing power regardless of what happens to fiat currency” have prompted questions about a) how to achieve such purchasing power with physical gold when this stage is reached, b) how to go about buying things with gold coins and c) how gold would be utilized under the assumption that a barter system would develop when dollars become worthless. [Let me explain.] Words: 700

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Here’s What’s Coming! Warning: Reader Discretion Is Advised! (+8K Views)

Warning: Reader discretion is advised! You are about to read a fictional account of what we could be faced with in the coming years - perhaps as early as 2024 - based on events that are already taking place in America today. It is most alarming but, unfortunately, after everything I’ve seen during my time inside Wall Street, inside the CIA and inside the halls of the Pentagon, that’s the path America’s heading down.

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