Saturday , 20 April 2024

Search Results for: inflation deflation

Runaway Inflation That Would Devastate USD Seems Unlikely – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Many investors are treating inflation as a certainty because the Fed has expanded its balance sheet to unheard of levels through its quantitative easing strategy. Some have even gone so far as to say that this program will utterly destroy the U.S. currency. To demystify this conclusion, I’m going to explain quantitative easing and why the Fed is using this monetary strategy. Afterward, I’ll explain why gold is still positioned to rise even if inflation continues to be low. Words: 786

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GOLDRUNNER: US INFLATIONARY DEPRESSION- PART II- Entering terminal stages with increased risk

Greenspan orchestrated massive asset price inflation in the face of K-Winter Deflation by aggressively printing and devaluing the US Dollar. Many look to see “where the Dollars are going”, but it is the effect of Dollar Devaluation on Price Inflation that is most important. The Dollar Devaluation will grossly devalue the debts while driving key asset prices like Gold sharply, higher.

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Once Inflation Starts There Will Be NO Stopping It!

If inflation starts to head towards 5%, you can be sure it’s headed for 10% because they don’t have the ability to stop it now. The only antidote they have to the mess we are in, which is massively excessive debt reinforced by derivatives, is unlimited money printing. The idea that you can withdraw the punch bowl or sharply raise interest rates, it just doesn’t exist, unless you want to take a complete deflationary collapse.

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The Scene is Set: The Euro – and Other Currencies – Will Collapse Resulting In a Hyperinflationary Depression (+2K Views)

It’s incredible that the Mayans forecast 2012 would be the end of a major era. It looks, today, like we are standing on the eve of massive changes in the world that will have consequences for a long, long time to come. The scene is already set....the euro will collapse, and...other major currencies will collapse. The consequences of these (eventual) collapses will be horrible because we will have a hyperinflationary depression.

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Will the Current Whiff of Deflation Bring 2008 All Over Again? (+2K Views)

You don’t need [actual] deflation—a reduction in the outstanding supply of money—to have markets react to a decrease in the rate of money supply growth..., anticipate the eventual deflation [and begin to price it into the market. Remember 2008?] Oil prices fell from $147 in July of 2008 to $33 per barrel by early 2009. The S&P 500 went into free-fall starting in September of 2008 and bottomed out in March of 2009—falling almost 50% in six months. This is what has already happened to the gold mining sector but, remember, central banks may be on a counterfeiting holiday right now but they have a history of taking very short vacations.

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