Tuesday , 21 January 2025

Have Your Say in World Consumer Confidence Index Survey – Here's How

According to the latest real-time Worldwide Consumer Confidence Index most respondents believe that their economic circumstances will improve over the next 6 months even though such confidence has declined marginally from 30 days ago. You don’t feel the same way? OK, read on and actually participate in the survey to have your view of things so recorded. It is fast and easy to do. Here’s how. Words: 410

So says Lorimer Wilson, editor of www.munKNEE.com (Your Key to Making Money!).

The Worlwide Consumer Confidence Level Index is the creation of  www.economywatch.com where the survey* can be undertaken. Spend a few seconds to answer the 9 simple questions here, and you will then have full access to the global real-time Consumer Confidence Index and be able to see the confidence level in almost every country worldwide. The information changes daily as more and more complete the survey so mark the site as a favorite/favourite and visit the site often.

There are 9 questions, as follows:

  1. Current employment conditions are better than they were 6 months ago
  2. Employment conditions will be better in 6 months than they are now
  3. My household is better off financially now than it was 6 months ago
  4. My household will be better off financially in 6 months than it is now
  5. Current business conditions are better now than they were 6 months ago
  6. Business conditions will be better in 6 months than they are now
  7. The overall economy in my country is better now than it was 6 months ago
  8. The overall economy in my country will be better in 6 months than it is now
  9. Total family income is likely to be better in 6 months than it is now

MunKNEE.com has well in excess of 100,000 page views per month coming from approx. 180 countries. Below is the rank of those 14 countries generating the greatest viwership so that the residents of those countries can see how their fellow countrymen express their confidence in their economic well-being.

          Country     Confidence Level     1 Month Change

  1. USA                       610                         – 0.3%
  2. Canada                685                         +11.2%
  3. UK                          529                        -11.2%
  4. Australia             675                         + 9.3%
  5. Germany             587                        – 0.4%
  6. Italy                        658                        – 1.2%
  7. India                       657                         – 7.2%
  8. Singapore               618                         + 7.3%
  9. Malaysia                624                         +14.8%
  10. Netherlands          658                         +19.1%
  11. Switzerland           711                         – 4.5%
  12. Belgium                  716                        +25.0%
  13. China                      632                         + 6.2%
  14. Japan                      719                        + 9.9%
  15. Average                635

By Areas

  1. World                  612                          – 0.2%
  2. N. Europe              575                           – 2.7%
  3. W. Europe             569                           – 1.2%
  4. S. Europe               534                          + 2.1%
  5. Middle East           591                           + 0.7%
  6. Asia/Pacific           658                           + 0.8%

(Please excuse the lack of uniform columns but I don’t know how to fix it.)

It should be noted that the Worldwide Consumer Confidence Index is a relatively new venture and so is not statistically valid in every instance for comparative purposes. Nevertheless, the number participating in the survey is increasing and with your participation, and that of the many others reading this article, the number will be statiscally sound in short order. 


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