Thursday , 24 October 2024

Gold & Silver: Go “Get” While the Getting is Good! Here’s Why

There will come a time, and based on current charts no one knows when, that pricesgold-silver for gold and silver will become prohibitive and/or governments will do what they can to inhibit (steal) ownership, maybe even making it criminal to own or use in transactions. [That being the case we advocate that you go “get”] physical gold and silver [while the getting is good], consistently and at any price.  The point here is not to “make money,” but to preserve and/or create wealth. [Let me explain.]

So writes Michael Noonan ( in edited excerpts from his original article* entitled Gold And Silver – Comex Prices Manipulated?  Still “Accurate.”.

This post is presented compliments of Lorimer Wilson, editor of (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds), (Your Key to Making Money!) and the Intelligence Report newsletter (It’s free – sign up here). You can also “Follow the munKNEE” daily posts on Twitter or Facebook.
The article may have been edited ([ ]), abridged (…) and/or reformatted (some sub-titles and bold/italics emphases) for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read.
Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Noonan goes on to say in further edited excerpts:

Western countries are creating infinite amounts of fiat in desperate attempts to cover their lies and confiscation of wealth via inflation…These “fundamentals” are known factors by everyone.  If they are true, and no sane person believes they are not, then why aren’t gold and silver trading at much higher prices?  Why are gold and silver back to trading range lows?

[Why? Because] the fiat creators, the manipulators control price.  If that were not true, PMs would be a lot higher in price just on an inflation-adjusted basis alone!  Almost everyone outside of the “insiders” is, and has been, under-estimating the staying power of those in power.  They will not give up control.  They will resort to any means [now shockingly] possible.

Why Buy Gold

If you still think your money is safe in any bank, well, we cannot think of anything to say. Enjoy whatever returns your money may be getting, but just do not be surprised of not getting your money returned, at all.  What current world financial news is proving beyond a doubt is, “Anything can happen,” and what happens will not be good.

We have been advocating the purchase of physical gold and silver, consistently and at any price.  The point is not to “make money,” but to preserve and/or create wealth. The purpose in buying, and personally holding, physical gold and silver is viewed much like that of essential needs, like shelter, as an example.    You buy a house to satisfy a need for shelter. Timing is not the most critical factor because it is the security and comfort of ownership that matters most.  Once that need is taken care of, it becomes less important if the value declines because it is a necessity, not something that is traded like baseball cards….

It does not matter if the markets are manipulated and kept artificially low.  The one thing that is certain is, prices are low!  Comex and London are currently the only measures  for price in gold and silver.  Does it matter that there is a higher premium for larger purchases from nations, like Russia, China, and India paying closer to $2,000 the ounce for gold? No.  Those countries are buying by the tonne and unable to buy large quantities for less. Their purchases may be a more accurate reflection for the “real” price of gold, and if that were true, you are looking at discounted prices, “blue plate specials.”

For the man or woman on the street, as it were, it may be harder to get delivery of 1,000 oz bars of silver, or 100 oz bars of gold, but they can be had.  The fact that there are delays in the relatively smaller quantities is a sign that one had better “get” while the getting is good. Smaller purchases of rolls or individual coins are okay, but premiums are increasing, and there have been a few spotty problems on availability.


One more time!  Buy physical gold and silver, as best you can, and hold it personally…

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Charts do not lie…Not only are the trends still down, prices made new recent lows, again, within the trading range, but nowhere near the “unbelievably low prices” area. Here is another look* at the “manipulated charts,” (we do not know of a better source), to see how developing market activity is “developing,” under the circumstances.  With “guru” estimates very high, and prices currently relatively low, the charts remain the most reliable barometer, for obviously, they do not lie, whatever may be the lies behind them.

Editor’s Note: The author’s views and conclusions in the above article are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original post. Furthermore, the views, conclusions and any recommendations offered in this article are not to be construed as an endorsement of such by the editor.

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