Sunday , 26 January 2025

Drop Over & Read These 10 Insightful Articles on the "Fiscal Cliff"

So much continues to be written on the so-called “fiscal cliff” that someone had to sift through the 100s of such articles and find those worth one’s time to read. I have done just that and provide below links to 10 of the best such articles each of which been edited for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure you a fast and easy read. Enjoy!

By Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!).

First, on a lighter note:

1. Video: A “Simple” Explanation of the Fiscal Cliff (Via Conan O’Brien)


Why make it difficult if it can be that simple…Andy Richter offers the perfect explanation of the Fiscal Cliff  in this 1:37 minute video.

Now for some much more serious and insightful articles:

2. Save Time: Here’s ALL You Need to Know About the Fiscal Cliff Negotiations – Ignore Everything Else

fiscal cliff

3.  The Fiscal Cliff: The Choice is Not “Recession or No Recession” but “Recession Now or Recession Later”! Here’s Why

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The warnings that the fiscal cliff will cause a recession are delivered as if the government can decide whether or not we have a recession. In fact, the government does not have that power, or we would never have recessions. At the most, the government can influence when, not if, we have a recession. We will most likely undergo a recession when we wean ourselves off the unsustainable deficit spending of the last four years. The choice is not recession or no recession. The choice is recession now or recession later. [Let me explain.] Words: 542

4. The Fiscal Cliff: What Is It? What Are Its Ramifications? What’s the Best Way to Invest for Such an Eventuality?

fiscal cliff

financial cliff

6. Goldman Sachs: The Fiscal Cliff Is a Real & Present Danger to Future Level of S&P 500 – Here’s Why

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7.  The Fiscal Cliff: Everything You Need To Know About It & Its Implications

financial cliff

8. The Fiscal Cliff: What We Think Will Happen and What Investors Should Do

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9. Grappling With the Possible Impact of the Fiscal Cliff


If Congress addresses the issue by maintaining the current tax and spending policies we will get more of the same economy we have experienced for the past three years (all else being equal). [That being said,] what if Congress goes over the fiscal cliff hit? This blog post is designed to asses the impact. Words: 1362

10. Fiscal Cliff: 1 Step Backward – Then 2 Steps Forward


…Fiscal policy, both in the U.S. and in Europe, has already been a drag on economic growth, and it’s extremely likely to continue to be one as politicians begin addressing concerns about long-term debt burdens. The debate about the fiscal cliff deal might revolve around the preferred paths to reducing the nation’s long-term debt, but it also will determine just how much fiscal policy will limit growth over the coming months and years. What’s really at stake, in the near term at least, is the answer to two important and interrelated questions: How dysfunctional is our political leadership and how bad is our economy going to be next year?

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