Wednesday , 22 January 2025


Major Inflation is Inescapable and the Forerunner of an Unavoidable Depression – Here’s Why (+3K Views)

Whether our current economic crisis will end with massive inflation or in a deflationary spiral (ultimately, either one results in a Depression) is more than an academic one. It is the single most important variable for near and intermediate term investing success. It is also important in regard to taking actions which can prepare and protect you and your family. [Here is my assessment of what the future outcome will likely be and why.] Words: 1441

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An Inflation Inferno is Expected – but When? (+4K Views)

Daniel Thorn­ton, an econ­o­mist at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, argues that the Fed’s pol­icy of pro­vid­ing liq­uid­ity has “enor­mous poten­tial to increase the money sup­ply,” result­ing in what The Wall Street Journal’s Real Time Eco­nom­ics blog calls “an infla­tion inferno.” [Personally,] I think it’s too soon to make sig­nif­i­cant changes to a port­fo­lio based on infla­tion fears. Here's why. Words: 550

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Events Accelerating Towards an Ultimate Dollar Catastrophe! Here's Why

With the U.S. election just six months off, political pressures will mount to favor fiscal stimulus measures instead of restraint. Such action can only accelerate higher domestic inflation and intensified dollar debasement culminating in a Great Collapse - a hyperinflationary great depression - by 2014. [Let me explain why that is the inevitable outcome.] Words: 2766

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Busy? Here's a Shortcut to Accessing THE BEST Financial Articles Every Day

Lorimer Wilson, editor of - a site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds - finds the most informative articles on the internet each day. He edits them for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read and posts introductory paragraphs to them on the site. He also provides a link to where his edited excerpts of the original article are posted. Below are the latest articles for your enjoyment. Words: 500

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Major Price Inflation Is Coming – It’s Just a Matter of Time! Here’s Why (+5K Views)

The developed economies of the world have opened the money spigots...[and this] massive money and credit creation is sitting in the banking system like dry tinder just waiting for a spark to set it ablaze. How quickly it happens is anyone’s guess, but once it does we are likely to be enveloped in a worldwide inflation unlike anything before ever witnessed. [Let me explain further.] Words: 625

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Pento: Rampant Inflation Tomorrow Necessary to Avoid Deflationary Depression Today! Got Gold? (+2K Views)

There is an all out assault on the part of global central banks to destroy their currencies in an effort to allow their respective governments to continue the practice of running humongous deficits. In fact, the developed world's central bankers are faced with the choice of either massively monetizing Sovereign debt or to sit back and watch a deflationary depression crush global growth. Since they have so blatantly chosen to ignite inflation, it would be wise to own the correct hedges against your burning paper currencies.

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"Money Illusion" is Blinding You to Reality! Here's How

Despite the practical impossibility of real comparisons we know perfectly well that the value of a dollar or a pound, shekel, rouble or euro isn’t what it used to be...This fact, however, doesn’t stop us from almost exclusively focussing on how much money we have today rather than what it can purchase for us: we think about money in nominal terms rather than real ones [- and that is what is known as money illusion. Let me explain.] Words: 873

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When Will Inflation Expectations & Stocks Stop Moving In Lockstep?

The stock market and inflation expectations remain joined at the hip. As the crowd anticipates higher inflation, the stock market rallies, and vice versa. This positive correlation between inflation and stock prices (a proxy for the economic outlook) won’t last forever and it’s anyone’s guess when [that will be but I have my views on it if you are so interested]. Words: 557

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Fed's Actions Are a Path to Ruin NOT Prosperity! Here's Why

Currency wars arise when a country steals growth from trading partners by cheapening its currency to promote exports. The new currency war began in 2010 when President Obama declared in his State of the Union address that it was the policy of the United States to double exports in five years. Since the U.S. would not become twice as productive in five years, the implication was the U.S. would severely cheapen its currency to achieve this goal. [Let me expand upon this.] Words: 666

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Hyperinflation in the U.S. is Possible But Unlikely – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

I respect many of the writers who believe that we will experience hyperinflation... but I think they are jumping the gun. Hyperinflation is something that is easy to say - and it certainly achieves the sensational headlines that so many financial writers seek - but it is much more difficult to achieve. At this point none of the economic or political factors required to set off hyperinflation are present. The question should not be whether or not it is possible, but whether or not it is probable in America today and in my opinion the probability of such happening is very low. [Let me explain why that is the case.] Words: 2695

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