Wednesday , 8 January 2025


Noonan on: What Is “Money”? What It Is Not! (+3K Views)

While money makes the world go around, very, very few people understand what money is and what money is not, and that is purposeful on the part of the elites and every government. This article explains why that is the case and why there is such confusion around such an understanding of the facts.

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Should You Stay Fully Invested In This Environment?

While conventional advice is to always stay invested, this is not the best strategy when we are at the end of the current paradigm. As we enter 2020, the question we have to ask is: How close to the edge of the cliff do we dare to go?...

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Central Bank Actions Guarantee A Financial Crash Landing – Here’s Why (+3K reads)

As we tip-toe near the edge of the third central bank generated financial bust of this century, there is absolutely no way of stopping the crash landing just ahead. Why? Because the central banks are so caught up in their own self-justifying group think that they are utterly incapable of seeing the massive financial derangement all about them - a casino that is blindly impelled to churn the secondary capital markets and inflate the price of existing assets to higher and higher levels until they ultimately roll-over under their own weight. Let me explain.

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Economics Can’t Trump Mathematics & the Math Says U.S. In a Debt Death Spiral (11K Views)

The madmen who are responsible for the coming economic disaster continue to behave as if they can manage to avoid it. Violating Einstein’s definition of insanity, they continue to apply the same poison that caused the problem. These fools believe they can manage complexities they do not understand. We are bigger fools for providing them the authority to indulge their hubris and wreak such damage.

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