Monday , 6 January 2025


Only 2 High Yield S&P 500 Dividend Stocks are Sound Investments

It would seem these days that, with bonds, CDs and money market funds paying less than the rate of inflation, serious consideration should be given to S&P 500 stocks that high dividend yields. The number are few (17) but when you take into account the dividends paid out relative to earnings, the extent and consistency of dividend growth over the years and trading at a relatively low price to earning ratio the choices only 2 make the cut. Words: 740

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Value Investing: The Practical Application of Benjamin Graham & Warren Buffett’s Principles (+2K Views)

While the average amateur investor may be excellent in their own career field, it doesn't mean they know what to invest in, or how to pick stocks. In fact being very good at your field can give you the false sense that whatever stocks you pick or your broker picks for you must be good, because after all, you picked them and you picked your broker — and you're smart so, no doubt, those stock prices will go up. Unfortunately, the smart and talented stock-picking neophyte is not investing at all but speculating. Words: 924

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How to Increase Returns in This Environment

The economic outlook for most major economies has deteriorated rapidly meaning we'll almost certainly see more shocks in the financial markets. Given the nature of the current economic crisis — one defined by unsustainable debt — history suggests those shocks [could] come in the form of sovereign debt defaults and currency devaluations. This possibility has increased the specter of risk for every region of the world and dampened investment returns for the entire global economy. [What should we do?] Words: 631

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Canada’s Oil Sands: "The World’s Dirtiest Commodity"? (+2K Views)

When you think of Canada, which qualities come to mind: the world's peacekeeper, the friendly nation, a liberal counterweight to the harsher pieties of its southern neighbour, decent, civilised, fair, well-governed? Think again. This country's government is now behaving with all the sophistication of a chimpanzee's tea party. Words: 1377

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