Thursday , 9 January 2025


In Defense of Spain: What Crisis??

You can twist it as you like: there is no European debt crisis. There simply isn't. The uncontrolled media frenzy that we are experiencing is undifferentiated, baseless and harming investors. They are selling shares in Spain instead of profiting from these extraordinary times and buying more of them - as any serious investor would do. Words: 506

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Precious Metals: Don’t Want To Play Anymore?

We suspect that many precious metals investors are saying, “We don’t want to play anymore!” and our reply is, “You mean you want to quit right now? Right at the bottom of this cycle? You must be crazy - and that is crazy with a capital C!” True, this is a very challenging market environment for resource shares, but we know what the ultimate outcome will be: higher share prices. The only question is “when” and our opinion is that we are very close in time (within days or a week or two at most) of being able to say that the lows are behind us. Let me explain. Words: 785

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European Election Results Harbinger of Future U.S. Elections – Here's Why

The implications for the elections in Europe likely portend what will happen in the U.S.. A similar revolt against incumbents [will] ...sweep Obama...out of office but... the newcomers will be placed in the position of Sarkozy and other European incumbents. They will have to address the insolvency and eventual liquidity issues in similar fashion which will be viewed here as “austerity” or worse, “cruel and unusual” punishment. [So, how likely is that? Not very, because] politicians, by nature, are not courageous animals. Instead we will see more of the same: half-assed attempts to fool the people into believing that something is being done to solve the problems. [So what does the future hold for America?] Words: 631

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Campbell's Challenge: Stop Being a Lemming! Contradictory Points of View are Imperative – Here's Why

It is all too easy to look for like-minded persons who continuously reinforce one's own views - a clear form of 'lemmingism', to coin a new word. Instead, one should make an effort to recognize both reader and writer biases when reading and thinking about things found on the Internet in social media websites and blogs. [Let me explain my views on that further.] Words: 720

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Now's the Time to Take Advantage of Current Discount on Mining Shares – Here's Why

Gold stocks are now trading as though peace, prosperity, balanced budgets, and the repudiation of fiat currencies were about to break out across the globe, sending the metal back to $1,000 per ounce in the very near future. Given the stagflation conditions in the developed world, however, and governments’ proclivity to use money printing in order to jump-start an economy, it may be wise to take advantage of the current discount being offered on mining shares.

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