Friday , 10 January 2025


Stock Market Not Likely To Crash Soon & Here’s Why

History shows rather clearly that the stock market is prone to extreme events, aka crashes. The challenge is deciding when the risk for a repeat performance is unusually high... The leading factor, of course, is the business cycle but internal market issues can't be ignored either. With that in mind, I've developed what I think of as a crash-risk index for the U.S. stock market (S&P 500), which draws on signals from ten metrics that are reflecting different factors...

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If Greek Financial System Implodes the Rest Of Europe Will Soon Follow (+2K Views)

The Greek financial system is in the process of totally imploding, and the rest of Europe will soon follow. Why? Because neither the Greeks nor the Germans are willing to give in, and that means: there is very little chance that a debt deal is going to happen by the end of June; we will likely see a major Greek debt default and, potentially, even a Greek exit from the eurozone and, if Greece does leave the euro, we are going to see financial carnage happen all over Europe.

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Average U.S. Individual & Household Incomes Surprisingly Low – Take A Look

For a consumption based economy asking “how much do Americans earn?” is a vital key to our long-term stability. Each household has a propensity to spend and the ability to consume is largely derived by income. Debt has made it easier for households to spend future wages but these two important reference points measure the health of total wages for households and that of individual workers.

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Deepest Downturn Since the Great Depression Is Coming (+2K Views)

This isn't the time to listen to those leading politicians, economists and pundits who say we're not in a bubble and we're finally seeing a sustainable recovery. We're not. Central banks can't keep this bubble going forever... [Instead,] you need to prepare for another across-the-board bubble burst and the deepest downturn since the Great Depression, with deflation, not inflation, and this time, in spite of what others such as Jeff Clark might tell you, Gold will not be your defense, it will be your downfall. Here's why.

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Go With the Flow: Buy & Sell Using a “Momentum” Approach – Here’s Why & How

Whether it is called "systematic trend-following", "momentum trading" or "turtle trading", it all comes down to entering trades on the basis of markets breaking out from previously established ranges and following some basic rules thereafter. It requires no special understanding of any given market - just a healthy respect for the price action - and can make you a lot of money in the process. Here are the details.

Read More » Has the Most Insightful Articles on the Economies of the World – Take a Look

Hundreds of articles about the economies of the U.S., Canada, China, the UK, the EU and elsewhere are posted every day on a variety of financial websites. Unfortunately, many such articles are dull detailed analyses of conditions on the ground without providing a perspective as to how such conditions relate to the world at large - the global economy - and one's place in it. makes a point of finding those articles that do and posting the best-of-the-best (the most informative, the most unique, the most entertaining, the most provocative, the best written) on a daily basis. If you have yet to check out (Your Key to Making Money!) you are encouraged to do so.

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