Friday , 10 January 2025


Silver: The Numbers Say the Bottom Is In! (+3K Views)

Statistically speaking, silver is a very strong buy. With a recent selloff of 28%, the numbers strongly indicate that the bottom has been reached. In fact, if the past is to be even a slight guide to the future, silver may double over the next 2 years. This is what happens on average. In other words, it's time to buy silver.

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A Country’s GDP Keeps Changing Relative to Others – Take a Look

A lot has happened to the global economy over the last 35 years. The forces of economic liberalization, globalization, and the rise of the multinational corporation have all left their mark...[Check out the dynamic Voronoi diagram below showing how] the GDP (total market value of all goods and services produced in a country for a given time period) of each of the world's largest countries have grown or contracted relative to others from 1980 to 2015.

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Top Financial Advisors Recommend These Investments

In search of the best places to invest your money in the fourth quarter of 2015, I put together recommendations from a group of Barron's-ranked financial advisors [who are] deemed [to be] the top 1% in their industry. Here are their recommendations:

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Exploding U.S. Debt Guarantees Much Higher Gold Price – Here’s Why

History shows that gold prices rise and fall but inevitably, over time, follow the increase in money supply and debt. As such the next big move will be upward to match the exploding national debt. I support said contention with some most interesting charts showing the long-term relationship between the price of gold and the growth in national debt.

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Top 10 Most Competitive Countries

Switzerland tops the Global Competitiveness Index for the seventh year in a row while Singapore beats everyone but Switzerland for the fifth consecutive year. Guess which country holds steady in third place? Read on to find out which other countries cracked the top 10 in this most recent survey.

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Will It Be China That Pricks the Stock Market Bubble?

Let’s imagine the stock market as a whole bunch of balloons. One or two can pop loudly and everyone will jump and then laugh it off but, eventually, enough balloons will pop that the weight of the debris overwhelms the remaining balloons’ ability to keep the string aloft. Then your whole bunch falls down. In like manner, some kind of catalyst sets off every market collapse.The last balloon to pop isn’t any bigger or smaller than the others; it just happens to be last. What are some candidates for that last balloon?

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