Wednesday , 23 October 2024


Physical Gold vs. Gold Stocks: Which Perform Best In A Recession? (+31K Views)

IF the bull market in stocks and bonds is to end, the implications will be dire because, historically, the Fed has always intervened to prop the market by lowering interest rates. Fed moves impact the broader market equities and impact resource equities alike so let’s take a look at the effect of a general market correction on our resource portfolio.

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The P/E Ratio: Its Strengths and Limitations (+42K Views)

When it comes to valuing stocks, the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio is the number one metric for investors that want an instant fix on what the market thinks of a company. [That being said]...there are health warnings to heed if you don’t want to be left exposed by its limitations. [Let me explain.] Words: 1101

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Here’s How To Batten Down the Hatches & Survive the Coming Storm

With the Buffett Indicator pointing to a “lost decade” of negative returns, and Nouriel Roubini...predicting in an interview with Bloomberg this past September that the S&P 500 could experience a severe (-40%), long and ugly recession the obvious question is how to batten down the hatches and survive the coming storm.

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Don’t ‘Always Stay Invested’: You Could Miss A Major Opportunity

Most investors have bought into Wall Street’s mantra of always staying invested. While this strategy may work for institutions during a bull market as we have had for the last 20 years, today it is not the best strategy for individual investors. [Here’s why.] By* Lorimer Wilson, Managing Editor of – Your KEY to Making Money. Here’s why. While …

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Commodities Are Practically Bulletproof Investments Going Forward

The markets have heard Powell’s message of higher interest rates, and the damage they could cause the greater economy, loud and clear. The S&P 500 has slid 8.4% over the past month (as of the close of trading Wednesday), and the 2-year Treasury yield recently hit its highest level since 2007...How bad could it get? Ho can an investor survive the coming storm? [Read on!]

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Extent of Management ‘Skin in the Game’ & ‘Smart Money’ Involvement In Junior Miners Is CRUCIAL! Here’s Why (+4K Views)

How much capital has the management team taken out of their pockets and put directly into the company? What amount of shares of a company are owned by funds or big financial institutions. The extent of such 'skin in the game' and 'smart money' involvement is crucial in deciding whether or not to invest in a particular company. Here's why.

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Stock Splits: What You Need To Know

Have you ever thought that the price of a stock was too high and then, the first thing you know, the stock price has dropped by 50%? In many instances, the reduction in the stock price occurs because of a stock split. Here’s all you need to know about such an activity. 

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Exposed! 5 Big Lies About Precious Metals Investing

Investors must often navigate through a barrage of fake news, myths, misinformation, and fraudulent pitches surrounding precious metals before arriving at the simple truth - you don’t buy bullion to get rich quick; you buy it to preserve wealth over time against the threats of currency depreciation and financial crisis. That’s precious metals investing in a nutshell but, if you listen to financial and monetary establishment mouthpieces, you’ll likely be misled. This article exposes the five big lies about precious metals investing and sets the record straight.

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