Wednesday , 22 January 2025


Smart Investors Will Seek Comfort In Gold – Here Are 7 Reasons Why

The Fed is beginning to wake up to the fact that there is no easy escape from its artificial zero interest rate policy. The Fed will not be able to move very far off of the zero-bound range before the yield curve inverts and the U.S., and indeed the entire global economy, melts down. This means real yields will become more negative, the U.S. dollar will lose more of its purchasing power and economic instability will intensify over time—the perfect fundamental backdrop for rising gold prices.

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Top Financial Advisors Recommend These Investments

In search of the best places to invest your money in the fourth quarter of 2015, I put together recommendations from a group of Barron's-ranked financial advisors [who are] deemed [to be] the top 1% in their industry. Here are their recommendations:

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Will It Be China That Pricks the Stock Market Bubble?

Let’s imagine the stock market as a whole bunch of balloons. One or two can pop loudly and everyone will jump and then laugh it off but, eventually, enough balloons will pop that the weight of the debris overwhelms the remaining balloons’ ability to keep the string aloft. Then your whole bunch falls down. In like manner, some kind of catalyst sets off every market collapse.The last balloon to pop isn’t any bigger or smaller than the others; it just happens to be last. What are some candidates for that last balloon?

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