Monday , 16 September 2024


John Paulson Now Has 44% of His Hedge Fund’s Assets in Gold Stocks/ETFs! How Much Do You Have? (+2K Views)

Closely-followed billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson, who famously bet against the subprime housing market in 2007, released his 13F regulatory filing revealing that his hedge fund increased its stake in gold in the second quarter to 44% of his funds equity assets. How much do you have invested in physical gold, gold ETFs, gold mining shares and warrants?

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Which Major Gold Miner Offers Investors the Greatest Bang for Their Buck?

Which major gold miner offers investors the most bang for their buck...depends on which metric you use to measure value, but one metric I like to look at is miner's proven & probable gold reserves in relation to its market capitalization. This statistic offers investors a quick glance at how much the market is valuing each ounce of gold on a miner's mineral reserve report. To make comparisons amongst gold miners more relevant, we're only going to focus on Proven and Probable gold reserves, as inferred, indicated, and measured reserves may not even exist. So which gold miners offer the best value in terms of reserves? Let's find out. Words: 850

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Deutsche Bank: Further QE Might Actually Be BAD for Gold Prices! Here's Why

Gold bulls often argue that the yellow metal will only go up as long as central banks continue to employ easy monetary policy however this thesis has been around so long that it might not even work anymore. That's the gist of what Deutsche Bank suggests in their most recent outlook for precious metals prices. In a note to clients, they write:

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Here's How to Invest – and Thrive – Should Nouriel Roubini's 'Perfect Storm' Engulf Us

Back in May of 2012 Nouriel Roubini (aka Dr. Doom) predicted that slowing growth in the United States, growing debt troubles in Europe, a slowdown in China, and intensifying political gridlock with Iran would come together to create a “Perfect Storm” for the world economy. Below we outline three ETFs that could thrive as global economic growth expectations deteriorate, keeping in mind that virtually no asset class will be safe if the “Perfect Storm” actually strikes. Words: 606

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Here's the Complete Picture Regarding Natural Gas

New gas technology such as hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and horizontal drilling have changed the complexion of natural gas in North America. This infographic explores natural gas, its properties, natural gas market dynamics, supply forecasts, demand, the shale revolution, and the switch from coal to natural gas. We also raise questions about methane leakage and hydraulic fracturing.

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Alf Field: Gold STILL Targeted to Reach $4,500 – Preceded By Violent Upside Action (+4K Views)

We now have a really strong probability that the correction which started at $1913 on 23 August 2011 has been completed both in terms of Elliott waves and also in terms of time elapsed. If this is correct, the gold price should soon be expressing itself in violent upside action as it moves into the third of third wave which is still targeted to reach $4,500. [Let me explain in detail (with charts) how and why my most recent analyses confirm my earlier target of $4,500.] Words: 1085

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