Monday , 16 September 2024


China Continues to Be an Enormous Force in the World's Commodity Markets: Check Out These Investment Opportunities

With China becoming the #2 economy in the world it has, without question, transformed into an enormous force in the world’s commodity markets...with many years to come of major commodity production, consumption, and importation for China and the countries that serve that commodity food chain. [Let's examine China's dominance in the commodity industry and identify investment opportunities to take advantage of continued growth.] Words: 1282

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Fiscal Cliff Would See Dividend Tax Rate Almost TRIPLE for Wealthy

Screams about how these top-bracket income tax and capital-gains tax increases will ruin the economy by hammering spending and eliminating the incentive to work can be seen for what they are - the whining of people who don't want their taxes to go up [BUT, when it comes to the possible increase in the top tax on dividends they have a point - a BIG point - a VERY big point. Let me explain.] Words: 450

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Which Is the Best Buy Now – Gold or Gold Stocks?

You have probably read in multiple articles that mining stocks offer leverage to the movement of the underlying metal. This hasn’t been the case over the past several years, however, which has created some confusion in the precious metals investment community. While the gold price has more than doubled (+110%) in the past five years, the AMEX Gold Bugs Index (HUI) is up only 15% so why do people keep saying that mining stocks offer leverage? Well, because they do during certain periods of the bull market. [Let me explain the situation more fully and exactly where we are in the current bull market.] Words: 677

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The Preferred Way to Explain Gold Price Behaviour + 13 Alternatives

There is a substantial debate about what asset, if any, gold price relates to or responds to....We think the most logical factor in its price as a form of money would be the ratio of the currency in circulation versus the amount of gold that could be associated with that currency...We have heard some strong opinions to the contrary...that perhaps some other assets other than currency in circulation could be used to explain gold price behavior, and therefore provide some gauge of over and under valuation in the market price. [We look at 14 different assets below.] Words: 586

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Here Are 50+ Different Ways to Invest in Gold

Given the continuation of easy money policies by the Fed and other central banks around the world, as well as the very real possibility of more turmoil in the financial space, it isn’t surprising that many investors are looking to cash in on this modern day gold rush. For these investors looking to make a play on this elusive metal, we explore below every nook and cranny of the investing world to offer 50 ways to play gold. Words: 2600

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Watch Out! These Potential Events Could Blindside Your Financial Holdings

Merrill conducts a periodic survey of US institutional money managers. One area the survey focuses on is a set of questions on the so-called "tail risks", the less probable but potentially devastating events that negatively impact financial asset valuations. Here are the survey results from September and October of this year. Words: 535

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U.S. Dollar Index to Plunge; Gold & Silver to Soar! Here's Why

With President Obama being re-elected we can expect four more years of a Washington-centric controlled economy with a rolling program of borrow, print, spend and pretend; similar to the last four years....[What affect will such fiscal irresponsibility have on the U.S. dollar, gold and silver? Read on!] Words: 717

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